Technology is spreading its roots in every aspect of the world. Whether it is some basic service or a unique data-driven service, technology has helped humanity with everything. By realizing the hidden potential of the technology, especially AI and ML, Dr. Andy Khawaja, Founder and CEO of the Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform, is leading his brainchild to transform the world into a better place.
He believes that it is the duty of this generation to keep the Earth safe for the upcoming generations so that they can enjoy the perks of the planet.
Behind the scenes
From a very young age, Andy wanted to help others. This spark in his soul and mind allowed him to structure his future career. He expresses, “My younger self was always striving to make a difference – to help others – this is how I envisioned success.”
Achieving success in life has a different meaning for everyone. For Andy, it was to help the community and build a better place for everyone. He was always drawn by the hidden potential of technology and knew that AI would aid in the coming future by changing the traditional working cycle of the world.
He adds, “As I got older, I wanted to find a way to help others grow and become successful. I would be fulfilled and feel successful if I could create a means for others to succeed – and I did.” With this determination in mind, he structured his professional career by expanding his knowledge base and skillset.
He completed his basic education and attained his Doctor of Philosophy in Humane Letters from Lebanese American University. He added more arrows to his quiver to expand his skillset.
In 2002, Andy conceptualized Allied Wallet. He adds, “It is a payment solutions firm that offered incomparable security, the widest array of features and functionality, and affordable rates suitable for merchants of any level. In the fraud-prevalent environment that the internet can be, I took steps to keep merchants and their customers safe.” He gathered a team of dedicated personnel and together changed the traditional e-commerce sector.
Where others were failing to provide the necessary security over the internet and frauds and thefts were common, Andy was successful in paving the way to the top and keep the customers happy.
Being successful in the e-commerce sector, he still felt something was missing. With COVID-19 disrupting the life of everyone around the globe, he understood that next-gen technologies like AI and ML are the savior of humankind.
Like COVID-19, there may be different threats in the coming future that will change the whole landscape, and it is necessary to stay prepared. So, he directed his efforts towards a new idea and marked the dawn of the Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform.
He believes that AI holds the key to a different future where humankind can be saved from these threats. It is the duty of this generation to keep the place safe for the coming generations to prosper.
He expresses, “Throughout my life, I’ve managed to create countless products and solutions, and I innovated technology that helped others reach their goals and see success on new levels. I can say I am truly happy with my accomplishments today because helping others is what makes me happy, and that’s what I’ve been able to do for so many years.”
Bringing a change with Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform
Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform (AIDP) is building the future and changing the way tasks are performed. They are targeting the latest technologies to explore new domains to save humankind. The team believes that AI has the answer for the upcoming threats and, if molded in the right way, can help humans to prosper. AIDP is using artificial intelligence technology to create its pioneer program, “ISABELLA.”
Andy states, “ISABELLA will read and retain information. As open-source, Wi-Fi-connected technology, ISABELLA will be connected to the internet and able to observe, learn, and act. New technology and machines will use ISABELLA’s processing mind to perform labor and even offer military functionality.”
The human mind can only store a certain amount of information. Mankind can only endure a certain amount of pressure and perform a finite amount of labor. There is a physical and mental limit after which humans need time to recharge.
However, in the case of machines, there is no limit. They don’t eat or sleep and thus, they can work tirelessly without any break. On top of that, AI elevates the level of the machine and allows them to explore new domains and accomplish feats that are impossible for humans in very little time.
He adds, “ISABELLA will be the AI technology driving the future. ISABELLA is limitless. ISABELLA’s artificial intelligence technology will have access to unlimited information with the ability to learn and process multi-lingual data from the internet, encyclopedias, and even intelligence resources.”
Source of motivation
The spark to help others and create a world filled with new opportunities for everyone kept him motivated. He expresses, “I’m motivated by the things that I see happening in the world, and I’m driven by the change I envision for the future. I want to make the world a better place. It is one thing to want something and another to actively take steps of action to do it. This is what I’m excited and passionate about. I know how we can create better living conditions. I know how we can innovate for a better future. With the Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform, we are striving to create, improve, innovate, and design. My goals are to bring my goals, dreams, and vision to reality.”
Before directing the efforts towards the Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform, he founded Allied Wallet. This was the first firm that allowed the customers to handle the payments in a safe and secure way without stressing over the frauds and threats over the internet.
He adds, “Throughout my career, I managed to invent and innovate solutions that enabled people to trade online, safely and securely. They could transact digitally with confidence in more currencies and payment methods – creating a more connected global economy. This was a giant step for mankind. It was such a giant step that, more recently, it saved lives. Throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic, people relied on this. The ability to buy important goods and services with their computer or mobile device has undoubtedly saved lives and provided an important tool as people quarantined and sheltered in place. It also provided a means of income as people began to grow online businesses to provide products and solutions for others, creating a new livelihood and income for entrepreneurs.”
Being successful in the e-commerce sector and realizing the upcoming threats like COVID-19, he took matters into his hands to bring a change and save humankind. With the Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform, he visualizes creating a program that will harness the true potential of the internet and create different opportunities for humanity to grow.
Life as the Founder and CEO of the Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform
Taking the onus of his roles at the company, Andy oversees everything. He adds, “As the founder of AIDP, I am proud of what we are creating, and I believe we will change the world. You have to have passion for what you do and believe in what you do. Others will see that, and if they share the same passion, you can accomplish your goals.”
He believes that the most difficult tasks in any company can be the most important, and the smallest tasks can make or break a company. Having deep insights about the market and colossal experience by his side, he monitors every aspect of his brainchild and fuels the growth in the best possible way.
Being a natural talent-hunter, he has the ability to gather like-minded people to join hands together and work for his cause towards the betterment of the community.
He is a team player and understands the importance of having a solid team in the growth of a new system. He adds, “In this day and age, communication is very important. It’s important to understand team requests and leadership requests. It’s important that a team works side by side, offering each other support, understanding, and communication. Everyone must focus on solutions rather than obstacles. I’ve learned that you can’t teach dedication, devotion, and persistence. I look for these qualities in others and represent them with my work.”
Being a seasoned entrepreneur, he has all the necessary leadership skills to lead the team to explore new areas. He knows when to motivate the team and when to lead them by example. He states, “As a leader, your decisions will affect the entire company and the goals you can reach. In my industry, goals – when reached – will save lives.”
He believes that creativity is the mother of innovation. To stay ahead of the curve and explore new heights, creativity plays a significant role. He adds, “I encourage my team to think outside the box to accomplish goals. Innovation cannot proceed without creativity. We reward creativity. We seek to inspire and be inspired. Great ideas come from not only me but from the team. We brainstorm and work together. We spark ideas amongst one another. Everyone plays a role, and everyone contributes.”
He further expresses, “We are motivated because we believe in what we do. We work from the heart. We focus on solutions because solutions save lives. What is more important than saving lives? What is more important than creating better living conditions for future generations to enjoy? What we do is so important, not just for us – but for the children – for tomorrow.”
Till now, Andy has achieved several accolades for his accomplishments. He has changed the e-commerce sector with Allied vision and helped several organizations to grow. Being a specialist in domains like International Expansion, Innovative Foresight, Enthusiastic Leadership, New Business Acquisition, and Enthusiastic Leadership, he has attained several milestones and is all set to grab tons more. He is proud of his accomplishment but is not satisfied. He still has the hunger to explore new domains and serve the community in a better way.
He states, “I am constantly innovating, and this will never stop. Innovation is part of my life – to create new things that provide a better tomorrow not only for us but for our children, future generations. I will always strive for more.”
Thoughts on work-life balance
Andy is not a strong believer in work-life balance as he knows how difficult it is to fuel the growth of a unique idea. He understands that ideas are like small kindling that needs to be adequately nurtured to create a blazing fire.
He states, “Work-life balance doesn’t exist to me because I live for my work. I live for my work because I believe in it. I’m passionate about it. It is my motivation. The difference we can make on this Earth while we are here is all we can leave behind – the products, solutions, and innovations we gift generations with so that they may live better lives.”
His goal is to do all that he can to create a better tomorrow for the upcoming generations. To accomplish this thing, he states, “I give all that I can give and do all that I can do. I will always be relentless about reaching my goals so that I can continue to change the world for the better.”
Future plans for Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform
Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform is developing ISABELLA and its compatible machines to help mankind and protect the world’s population.
Andy adds, “ISABELLA will keep us safe and functional when conditions are difficult or even impossible. We plan to launch ISABELLA in 2025. Since we began AIDP, innovation has not stopped, and it never will. We are continually creating new departments to innovate different aspects of life and society. We will continue to expand and grow AIDP for the sake of finding new ways to improve living conditions for mankind.”