January 2022
Most Influential Leaders in Talent Acquisition Industry 2022
On The Cover

Doug Fauth: Implementing Innovative Ideas to Attract the Right Talent
Doug Fauth is a visionary and has an inherent eagerness to learn. He likes to hire people who know more about things than he does

Doug Fauth: Implementing Innovative Ideas to Attract the Right Talent
Doug Fauth is a visionary and has an inherent eagerness to learn. He likes to hire people who know more about things than he does

Ilze Johnston – An Expert in Talent Acquisition Best Practice, Strategic Career Coaching as well as Corporate Diversity & Inclusion
‘Success is a mindset not a title’, states Ilze Johnston, previously the Delivery &

Bettina Schaller: Revolutionizing the Labour Market by focusing on Social Impact
Specializing in government relations, union negotiation, lobbying, Bettina Schaller, President at World Employment Confederation,

Dave Ulrich: Transforming the Lives of Many with New Ideas and Innovations
Dave Ulrich is the Rensis Likert Professor at the Ross School of Business, University

Barbara Bruno: Simplifying the Staffing Process and Assisting Organizations in Attaining their Objectives
Temporary Staffing is mostly a commodities sector within the HR industry’s diverse universe. It’s

Gordon Tredgold: A Leadership Expert who helps Good Mangers to becoming Great Leaders
This goes beyond the age-old debate over whether or not leaders are born or

Danielle Burkhalter – A Passionate Talent Leader Dedicated to Helping People and Organizations Grow
Every leader has a unique definition of success they believe in. Danielle Burkhalter, Senior

Erika Ehrnrooth: Setting a high bar for women community as a successful leader
Erika Ehrnrooth, CEO of Eilakaisla, believes that success is all about fulfilling whatever a

Girish Nair: PACE – One Stop Solution for all HR Services with a futuristic approach
PACE is an innovative HR consulting firm, providing end to end customized HR solutions

Lisa Smith: Making Business Functionality more Efficient and Effective
In the last few years, human resources has transformed in many aspects. The industry