March 2021
The Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2021 Vol III
On The Cover

Rhonda Vetere: Impacting lives with a healthy and Active Lifestyle
For some leaders, prioritizing humanity and watching others reach their ultimate potential and grow personally and professionally is what acts as their driver. Sharing a

Developing Leaders of Tomorrow
There are two reasons for not having tough discussions with other people. One is

Cultivating Communication with Blocks
When Dale Smith first reached out to discuss telling and publishing “My Success” story,

How This Entrepreneur Is Singlehandedly Rebranding His Industry
Dignified and ethical are not words you’d normally associate with marketing…until now. With the

Jade Clinics: Making Electrolysis a Simple Way of Life
Experience is a great teacher and perhaps the best prerequisite to influence change. When

Kristin Carrington: Managing Risks in a Creative Way
Carrington Risk Consulting is an outcome of the dream of a strong-willed businesswoman who

Cindy Jutras – She Refused to Follow and Decided to Lead
We are often caught in awe of inspiring personalities and leaders who have stepped

Annette Densham: Setbacks Are a Steppingstone
She was a book worm as a child. Her family moved around a lot