February 2022
The 10 Most Disruptive Business Leaders to Watch, 2022
On The Cover

Sepp Rajaie: Disruptor of IT Asset Disposition Industry
The story of TechR2 CEO Sepp Rajaie is of an Iranian-born immigrant who overcame a series of challenges with tenacity to build a leading global

Sepp Rajaie: Disruptor of IT Asset Disposition Industry
The story of TechR2 CEO Sepp Rajaie is of an Iranian-born immigrant who overcame a series of challenges with tenacity to build a leading global

Elizabeth Espin Stern: Connectivity Through Transformation
One epidemic brought the world to stand still in 2020. To move forward, enterprises

Karyn Schell: Creating a Culture of Success in the Evolving IT Industry
Striving for the best for clients is the principal foundation in which DP Solutions

Janet Schijns: Setting high goals for women in the tech industry
Being a firm believer in the saying of Thomas Edison, “Opportunity is missed by

Toni Scullion: Blooming the Seeds of Computing Science in girls with dressCode
Carrying her childhood passion for computing, Toni Scullion, Computing Science teacher and Founder of

Kruti Bharucha: Transforming learning outcomes in Public school systems
We dream of a world where every child can live up to their full

Alice Chang: Vamping up the Beauty Industry with Perfect Corp.
Success is not absolute; it’s an ongoing drive to want to continue to better

Anna Lozynski: Fashioning Innovation as a Staple in Law & Business
“Success is doing what you love, with great people, and being paid your worth.”

Michelle Beyo: Innovative Payment and Digital services
Passion has always driven an exponential growth trajectory in all fields. Many inspirational leaders

Louise Hampton: Patient-Centric is the key for sustainable health Institutions!
Almost every individual residing in the globe tends to liken their emotions to the