March 2022
The 10 Most Innovative CEOs to Watch in 2022
On The Cover

Diana Degraa: Significantly Contributing to Her Agency and Clients’ Growth Stories
Diana Degraa knows the ins and outs of communication agencies. She dived into the advertising world after a brief stint on the marketing side, where

Diana Degraa: Significantly Contributing to Her Agency and Clients’ Growth Stories
Diana Degraa knows the ins and outs of communication agencies. She dived into the advertising world after a brief stint on the marketing side, where

Jennifer Byrne – A Technology Advocate Working Towards A Future Where Everybody Has The Tools To Thrive In A Digital World
Self-belief And Hard Work Will Always Earn You Success Every leader has a unique

Alyona Andronikova: Reaching New Heights in Fintech Industry with Moneyveo
For some people, success is the result of constant personal transformation and continuous work

Nakisha Adams: Helping nonprofits chase their dreams with Skribble
To achieve success and mark a unique identity in the market, one should try

Jeff Ward: Balancing Scale and Agility to Improve Safety at Height
Some people perceive safety to be a bother, but Jeff Ward believes that by

Chad Lauterbach: Structuring Comprehensive IT Services for Small Businesses
CEO of Be Structured Technology Group, Inc., a Los Angeles-based provider of Managed IT

Marcus Ekeberg: Changing the Golf Business to be more Customer-Centric than Ever Before
Marcus Ekeberg, CEO of Greenfee365, is leading the charge to create a culture that

George Brooksbank: Hustling to grow an exceptional fund management business
A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share

Siva Pola: Taking Businesses to the Next Level with Digital Transformation
Siva Pola, CEO of Cerebra Consulting, Inc., is a passionate builder, and has always

Angie Beltsos: Helping Patients find their way to Fertility Health and Treatment with the Highest Chance of Success
Angeline N. Beltsos is the CEO and Chief Medical Officer of Vios Fertility Institute. After 16 years of education post-high