Noella Hollie Chau: Leading the Charge in HR with Passion and Precision

In the competitive and demanding world of human resources, especially within the legal industry, certain individuals stand out not only for their achievements but also for their unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive and productive work environments. One such standout is Noella Hollie Chau, who serves as the Director and Head of Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, People & Culture, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for numerous prominent law firms across the United States.

Noella’s journey is a testament to the impact of a rich multicultural background and the profound influence it can have on professional development. Her career trajectory is marked by resilience, innovation, and an unyielding dedication to creating environments where diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords but integral parts of the organizational culture. Noella’s story is one of dedication, visionary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of those she works with, shaping not just her career but also the very fabric of the workplaces she influences.

A Journey Rooted in Multiculturalism

Noella’s journey to becoming a prominent figure in the HR sector began in Vancouver, British Columbia, one of the most culturally diverse cities in Canada. Growing up in a city that celebrated diversity, Noella developed a multilingual skill set, becoming fluent in English, French, Cantonese & Mandarin Chinese, while also having exposure to Japanese & Spanish. Her multicultural upbringing, influenced by her family’s immigrant background with roots in Asia and Latin America, laid the foundation for her future career.

“From a young age, I actively participated in my father’s businesses, absorbing valuable lessons in discipline and work ethic,” Noella recalls. This early exposure to business management instilled in her a deep appreciation for hard work and inclusivity. At just 14, Noella began working at her first job, commuting daily by bus for nearly two hours each way. This job not only taught her independence but also ignited her passion for helping others. She then worked for the federal government in operations and learning & development where she promoted a culture of equality.

Breaking Into HR

Noella’s professional journey took a significant turn when she moved to the United States in 2015. Despite starting with an entry-level role at a renowned casino resort, she quickly climbed the ranks, eventually managing HR for prestigious events like the world’s largest poker tournament. Her experience in corporate recruitment at Hilton Worldwide further honed her skills in talent acquisition, reinforcing her commitment to inclusion and equity.

In 2019, a headhunter approached Noella with an opportunity to lead the Talent, People & Culture, and Human Resources at Bighorn Law in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although she initially passed on the offer due to travel plans, the onset of the Covid pandemic led her to reconsider. She joined Bighorn Law as their Head of HR, where she oversaw talent acquisition, people, culture, the legal team, and operations for thirteen offices in Arizona, Nevada and Utah. Her collaboration with top leaders at Bighorn Law significantly enriched her professional journey, prompting her to later transition to Atlanta, Georgia, where she established multiple businesses before joining another esteemed law firm, and she is expanding her expertise throughout Chicago, Indiana and North America. She has now founded her own firm, Legal Landing Point, which specializes in concierge recruiting and staffing services, with a primary focus on the legal field while remaining open to all industries.

“Now, as a Leader in Human Resources in the legal field and owning my own Talent and Recruiting firm, I can confidently say, ‘I am living the American dream!’” Noella proudly states.

Fulfilling Work and Overcoming Challenges

As the Director of Human Resources, Noella found immense fulfillment in witnessing the growth and development of individuals within her organization. “It is truly fulfilling to witness someone’s growth and development, particularly when they underestimate their own potential at first,” she explains.

Observing individuals overcome challenges and achieve milestones is a testament to the impactful support that fosters personal and professional growth, ultimately adding tremendous value to the organization as a whole.

However, navigating the legal industry, traditionally dominated by males, presents significant challenges. As a minority and female professional, Noella often finds herself standing out from the majority. This diversity plays a crucial role in her recruitment strategy, as she prioritizes diversity and inclusion, retaining talented individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, and gender backgrounds. “Being a minority and an immigrant in the United States gives me a unique advantage in comprehending and implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion principles,” Noella asserts.

Aligning HR Policies with Company Goals

Ensuring that HR policies and practices align with company goals and values is a complex and nuanced task that Noella approaches with meticulous care and strategic foresight. “You must understand the business strategy and how it impacts other departments and the organization as a whole,” she explains, highlighting the importance of a holistic understanding of the company’s operations.

Noella emphasizes the necessity of deep collaboration with C-Suite leaders to ensure that HR initiatives are not developed in isolation but are integral to the broader strategic objectives of the organization. By engaging in continuous dialogue with top executives, she crafts policies and procedures that not only uphold the company’s values but also drive its long-term goals. This integrated approach ensures a cohesive and strategic alignment between HR practices and the overall direction of the company, facilitating a unified and purpose-driven work environment.

Noella’s dedication to aligning HR with the company’s mission underscores her commitment to creating a seamless and supportive infrastructure that promotes organizational success and employee well-being.

Fostering a Positive Workplace Culture

In Noella’s words, “Promoting work-life balance involves providing flexible work arrangements, clear communication, leading by example, encouraging breaks, setting boundaries, and integrating work management tools.” This comprehensive approach underscores her dedication to creating an environment where employees feel supported and valued, enabling them to thrive both personally and professionally.

“By implementing a comprehensive onboarding process,” Noella asserts, “we ensure that new hires are introduced to the company’s values, expectations, and culture right from day one.” This proactive approach sets a strong foundation for employee integration and engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and alignment with the organization’s mission and vision.

Noella emphasizes the importance of flexibility in her strategy, stating, “Offering remote work options and flexible scheduling allows employees to manage their time effectively, promoting greater harmony between their professional and personal lives.” By prioritizing the well-being of her team members, she cultivates a positive workplace culture that supports individual growth and collective success.

Noella further emphasizes the significance of encouraging off-site team-building initiatives, which strengthen bonds among team members and enhance collaboration. By embracing these initiatives, she reinforces the value of connection and camaraderie, fostering a cohesive and supportive work environment where every individual feels empowered to contribute their best.

Staying Ahead of HR Trends

To Noella, staying ahead of HR trends is not just a professional obligation but a strategic imperative deeply ingrained in her approach to leadership. She actively seeks out opportunities for ongoing education, eagerly participating in legal conferences and engaging with major legal coaching and mastermind groups across the United States. “I stay current with industry trends through ongoing education and attending legal conferences, and legal masterminds,” Noella notes, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning in her role.

“Participating in these events allows me to gather valuable insights and perspectives that I can then apply to our HR strategies,” she explains, highlighting the direct impact of her engagement with industry trends on organizational outcomes.

Through her active involvement in these educational and networking initiatives, Noella continuously expands her knowledge base, acquiring insights into emerging best practices and cutting-edge strategies in the field of HR. Armed with this knowledge, she returns from these sessions with a wealth of ideas and perspectives, ready to be translated into actionable plans that elevate the firm’s HR practices to new heights. “I’m always looking for ways to innovate and improve our HR processes to better support our employees and drive organizational success,” she affirms.

Moreover, Noella’s commitment to staying ahead of HR trends extends beyond mere participation in educational events. She actively seeks out opportunities to engage with thought leaders, industry experts, and fellow professionals, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights. “Collaborating with other HR professionals allows me to gain fresh perspectives and explore new approaches to our HR challenges,” she says, highlighting the collaborative nature of her approach. With her finger firmly on the pulse of HR innovation, Noella is well-equipped to lead her organization confidently into the future, navigating the complexities of an ever-evolving landscape with insight and foresight.

Navigating Crisis Management

Navigating crisis management is a test of leadership and resilience, requiring swift and decisive action in the face of unprecedented challenges. For Noella, the onset of the 2020 world pandemic presented one of the most daunting tests of her HR career. Despite the global shutdown and widespread uncertainty, her firm remained steadfast in its commitment to operational continuity, ensuring the safety and well-being of its team members while continuing to serve its clients. “Navigating crisis management during the pandemic was a significant challenge, but we managed to keep our doors open and ensure the safety of our team members,” Noella reflects, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, innovative strategies were paramount in maintaining business operations while safeguarding the health and safety of employees. Proactive measures were implemented to address the evolving situation, with stringent protocols and safety guidelines put in place to minimize risk and ensure compliance with state regulations. “We implemented innovative strategies to serve our clients while adhering to state protocols and laws,” Noella explains, underscoring the importance of adaptability and agility in crisis management.

Despite the formidable obstacles posed by the pandemic, Noella and her team demonstrated remarkable resilience and resourcefulness in navigating the crisis. By prioritizing the well-being of team members and embracing a proactive approach to safety, they were able to weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever. “The pandemic presented unprecedented challenges, but our firm’s commitment to safety and operational continuity never wavered,” Noella affirms, reflecting on the invaluable lessons learned during this trying period.

Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce: The Strategic Role of HR Professionals

Shaping the future of the workforce requires proactive and strategic leadership from HR professionals like Noella. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving workplace dynamics, the role of HR extends far beyond traditional functions. Noella emphasizes the importance of HR professionals serving as strategic partners in talent acquisition, retention, and development, leveraging data-driven insights to inform decision-making and drive organizational success. “HR professionals must prioritize cultivating a positive workplace culture, advocating for diversity and inclusion, and enabling organizations to adapt to technological changes,” she asserts, highlighting the multifaceted nature of modern HR responsibilities.

As organizations navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving business landscape, HR professionals play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and driving growth. By championing initiatives that prioritize employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion, HR leaders like Noella contribute to the creation of dynamic and resilient workplaces that are equipped to thrive in an ever-changing environment. “Our ability to adapt to technological changes and embrace diversity will be instrumental in shaping the future of the workforce,” Noella affirms, underscoring the significance of HR’s role in driving organizational transformation.

Looking ahead, Noella remains committed to empowering HR professionals to embrace change and drive meaningful progress within their organizations. “As HR professionals, we have a unique opportunity to shape the future of work by fostering a culture of innovation and inclusion,” Noella concludes, highlighting the transformative potential of HR leadership in shaping the future of the workforce.

Exploring Passions Beyond Profession

Beyond her professional commitments, Noella finds solace and joy in a myriad of personal interests and hobbies. With a zest for exploration, she has traversed the landscapes of over 22 countries, viewing travel not just as a leisure activity but as an educational journey that enriches her understanding of the world. “Traveling is not only educational but also enriching, broadening my horizons and expanding my knowledge,” she shares with enthusiasm.

Additionally, Noella embraces outdoor activities that allow her to connect with nature, finding respite in beach outings and engaging in photography to capture the beauty of her surroundings. Her creative flair extends to interior design, a passion she indulges in to create aesthetically pleasing spaces that reflect her unique style and personality. A lover of movement and rhythm, she finds joy in dancing, expressing herself through graceful movements that uplift the spirit. In the culinary realm, Noella channels her creativity into cooking, delighting in the process of recreating dishes she has savored at various restaurants, infusing them with her own personal touch and flair. These diverse interests and hobbies serve as outlets for Noella to unwind, recharge, and find inspiration amidst the demands of her professional life.

Additionally, Noella enjoys giving back to the community in the hopes of becoming a full-time philanthropist in the future.

Measuring Success and Leaving a Legacy in HR

To effectively measure the success of HR initiatives and programs, Noella employs a comprehensive approach focused on key metrics. These metrics include employee engagement, recruitment efficiency, training return on investment (ROI), diversity and inclusion progress, and employee feedback. Each of these indicators plays a crucial role in evaluating the overall impact of HR initiatives on organizational performance and employee satisfaction.

“I measure the success of HR initiatives by focusing on key metrics that assess their impact on organizational performance and employee satisfaction,” Noella explains. This data-driven approach ensures that HR practices not only align with the company’s strategic goals but also foster a positive and inclusive workplace culture. By continuously monitoring and analyzing these metrics, Noella can make informed decisions that enhance the effectiveness of HR programs and contribute to the long-term success of the organization.

In her role as Director of Human Resources, Noella aspires to leave a legacy characterized by creating a positive employee experience, driving organizational growth, and making a lasting impact on the company’s culture and success.

“As you step into HR leadership roles, prioritize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) alongside Emotional Intelligence (EI) to drive impactful change,” she advises the next generation of HR leaders. Noella encourages future HR professionals to leverage their roles to cultivate a workforce that is free from judgment, drama, and bias, fostering an environment of inclusivity and open-mindedness. By championing these values, Noella aims to inspire a new wave of HR leaders who are committed to creating equitable and supportive workplaces that empower all employees to thrive.

Charting Your Path in HR: Insights from a Seasoned HR Director

For aspiring HR professionals seeking to carve out their niche in competitive fields like the legal industry, Noella offers invaluable guidance honed from years of experience. She emphasizes that while mastering HR fundamentals is essential, it’s equally crucial to find a career path that genuinely ignites passion.

“Mastering HR is just one aspect,” she advises, “It is essential to pursue a career in a field that genuinely ignites your passion.”

Noella underscores the significance of passion as the driving force behind sustained career growth and success, urging aspiring professionals to choose a field that resonates deeply with their interests and values. She encourages them to explore diverse opportunities within HR, from talent acquisition and retention to organizational development and employee engagement.

Additionally, Noella stresses the importance of continuous learning and staying abreast of industry trends to remain relevant and competitive in the evolving landscape of HR. By embracing their passion and committing to lifelong learning, aspiring HR professionals can chart a fulfilling and impactful career trajectory in the legal industry and beyond.


Noella Hollie Chau’s journey from a multicultural upbringing in Vancouver to becoming a leading HR professional in the United States is a testament to her resilience, passion, and commitment to fostering inclusive and productive work environments. Her strategic approach to HR management, focus on diversity and inclusion, and dedication to employee growth and development have made her a respected and influential figure in the legal industry. As she continues to navigate the complexities of HR, Noella remains steadfast in her mission to create positive change and leave a lasting legacy for future generations of HR leaders.

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