September 2021
The 10 Most Inspiring Business Leaders to Watch Out For 2021
On The Cover

Tom Callahan: Creating a legacy in the fleet management industry
Being an expert leader in the automotive, finance, fleet management, and mobility space, Tom Callahan, CEO of Donlen, is introducing the next modern era in

Tom Callahan: Creating a legacy in the fleet management industry
Being an expert leader in the automotive, finance, fleet management, and mobility space, Tom Callahan, CEO of Donlen, is introducing the next modern era in

Sabrina Khan: Battling against orphan diseases with full determination
With 10+ years of experience of serving in the US and Asian healthcare companies

Ronald Hajj : Technology is Evolving with SilexPro
Technology is changing everyday with the adaption of innovation. Albeit, we love the traditional

Miro Morczinek: Bold Hypergrowth Enthusiast scaling higher with profitable Tech
Every leader defines success as per his/her personal experience. As per Miro Morczinek, CEO

Damon Sununtnasuk: Offering a Healthy and Fulfilling Lifestyle
Our busy lifestyles can put undue stress on our immune systems, while our modern

Diana Bianchini: Reaching a Zenith in the PR Market
Diana Bianchini is living proof that a strong work ethic, innate talent, believing in

Andersens: Improving Homes with Exceptional Services and Technology
Every little thing in the house is an important asset that contributes towards making

Jose Oliveira: Leading his Team to Excellence
“Living in love with the things we do is an important part of happiness”.

Spabreaks: Spabreaks Makes Luxuries a Way of Life
The thought of taking a relaxing day off and spending it at the spa

Eureeca: Changing the Equity Crowdfunding Market Through Regulation
Funding is the key aspect in the initiation and growth of a business, and