What if leadership was less about command and control and more about empathy and empowerment? It would be a whole new ballgame. Do you agree? A perfect example is Marilize Smit, Founder, CEO and Global Head of International Coaching at Mind-Studio Inc. Marilize is a force of nature who is rewriting the playbook on how we view training the mind so it’s fit for purpose when leading teams effectively. Mind Studio blends altruism with an unwavering commitment to excellence when training senior leaders. When asked to describe herself, she simply says, “Empathetic and driven, kind and compassionate.” These qualities sit at the core of her accomplishments; she’s also a fierce advocate for fairness and transparency.
Marilize’s approach stands out for its seamless blend of neuroscience-backed methodologies and practical coaching techniques. This unique combination has driven remarkable results, from enhanced team cohesion and communication to a significant boost in productivity. Through her work, individuals and organizations are empowered to break barriers, spark transformation, and unlock their full potential.
She views executive excellence as three interconnected elements: personal development, team synergy, and organizational objectives. Knowing that great leaders aren’t born, they grow and mature over time.
Success, Reimagined
Marilize stresses that a crystal-clear definition of leadership success is a powerful tool. It empowers leaders to craft a magnetic vision, rallying their teams behind a shared purpose. This vision acts as a beacon, illuminating the path to collective success, enhancing morale and engagement. Marilize believes leaders sharing this success blueprint empowers teams, setting them up for success.
Ranked among the “Top 10 Most Empowering Women Leaders Making an Impact, 2025,” Marilize flips the script on success, asserting, “Success is the ability to inspire and empower others while achieving meaningful goals that align with a clear vision.” Leadership, she believes, is a journey where every team member feels valued, motivated, and ready to take on the challenges of the work world.
A clear metric of success is accountability. Leaders can leverage this to establish clear expectations, provide targeted feedback, and stimulate a culture of continuous improvement, ultimately enhancing both individual and team performance. For Marilize, in dynamic environments, leaders must be adaptable. A succinct definition of success allows leaders to move effortlessly between strategies, without losing sight of core values and objectives. Sharing success criteria builds trust and credibility, celebrating milestones that strengthen a culture of appreciation and inspire future achievements.
No longer Stifling potential: The Inspiration and Evolution of Mind-Studio Inc.
When asked about Mind-Studio Inc.’s genesis, Marilize reveals a stark truth: witnessing the toxic underbelly of corporate leadership. She’s seen firsthand how bad management can crush spirits, stifle potential, and force individuals to become mere shadows of themselves. This global epidemic of poor leadership leaves an indelible mark on countless individuals.
Such realization fueled her mission: to cultivate authentic leaders who not only mentor and uplift but also nurture a new generation equipped with a growth mindset, breaking the toxic boss-employee dynamic that leaves countless employees disempowered. Under Marilize’s visionary leadership, Mind Studio has skyrocketed, partnering with corporate giants and high-performing individuals alike. The company’s ground-breaking system doesn’t just challenge outdated coaching norms. It redefines them, offering solutions as innovative as they are effective. In a world hungry for change, Mind-Studio delivers remarkable results.
Redefining Growth: The Mind Studio Way
Mind Studio’s methodology combines the science of neuroscience, practical sparring sessions, consultative coaching, and immersive feedback to create a transformative experience. This innovative approach supports clients at every stage of their journey to becoming their best selves.
Marilize emphasizes that each session is tailored to perfection and designed to meet the unique needs of every client. The core topics focused on are leadership, confidence, action-oriented outcomes, goal-setting, accountability, and team building. If a client’s needs extend beyond these areas, Mind-Studio can craft a bespoke training and coaching program tailored for the specific needs of a team or individual.
The founder & CEO asserts, “We deliberately set up ‘gentle encounters’ with the limitations and blockages along the way in their journey.”
From Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery: A Hero’s Journey So Far
Leading the charge in coaching and personal development is a thrilling yet daunting adventure. Marilize’s journey mirrors the classic hero’s quest: filled with a call to action, slaying her own dragons, and emerging stronger through sheer grit and resolute self-belief.
As a leader, she believes in the power of honesty and the art of adaptation. In today’s ever-shifting and dynamic environment, her focus has shifted to active listening so she hears the subtext of a specific team or leader. It’s the key to realizing and channeling potential whilst driving meaningful change. She firmly believes in persistent learning, reminding anyone around her to be mindful of the fundamentals amidst the whirlwind of new trends.
For Marilize, the most fulfilling aspect of her work is witnessing the transformative power of human connection. She thrives on pushing boundaries, creating value, and leaving a lasting impact on the lives of others. Her passion lies in amplifying her personal brand to help more people. She shares, “The challenge is that in doing this work, I am overcoming the very same self-sabotage that my clients have, so I am very much walking the walk in this work!” Her ability to embrace this journey of self-growth alongside her clients is what sets her apart, as she’s not just a coach but a fellow traveller on the path to personal growth.
Favorite Leadership Accolade
As the prescient founder & CEO of Mind Studio, Marilize’s most significant achievement is not material gain. But inspiring countless individuals to unlock their full potential and trust her as their guide on life’s journey. She flips the traditional coaching model on its head. Marilize dives deep, in partnership with her clients, pushing them beyond their perceived limits. A gentle nudge, a firm hand, and unwavering support—that’s the Marilize touch.
Sparring for Success: Mind-Studio’s Route to Peak Performance
Marilize shares that at Mind-Studio, their unique coaching approach to empowering individuals and organizations is a unique blend of consultation and collaboration. They believe in co-creating solutions with their clients, ensuring they understand the solution and own it. This “self-generative” coaching method, coupled with their intense “sparring” sessions, challenges clients to think critically, adapt quickly, and build the mental fortitude to excel consistently. Peak performance, in any situation, is something Mind Studio transforms from a possibility into a powerful reality.
Forged by Challenges, Driven to Excel
Obstacles aren’t just speed bumps on the professional journey; they’re the gym sessions that craft your skills. As a seasoned professional, Marilize knows firsthand that challenges, when confronted with grit, are gateways to personal and professional evolution. Yet, there’s a common pitfall: the fear of taking that first step. But as Theodore Roosevelt wisely observed, “Who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” This mantra has been Marilize’s guiding star, propelling her through numerous hurdles.
“Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors,” as the adage goes. Her career is a testimony to it. Reflecting on her global coaching journey, she emphasizes the importance of deep listening in order to be able to offer transformative guidance that sticks.
Navigating a male-dominated industry wasn’t without its trials; however, with persistence and adaptability, Marilize carved her niche. The biggest challenge, she reveals, has been establishing credibility and reputational awareness within specific marketplaces. But she’s found the antidote: “Excellent content, ground-breaking insights, and demonstrating real-world value through practical results.”
Marilize’s professional journey vouches for the power of resilience and the human spirit. Born and raised in a small town in Central South Africa, she navigated a path that led her to lead teams across North America. This extraordinary feat was marked by challenges, triumphs, and an unfaltering commitment to empowering others. From her early days as an intern at a Global Wine Logistics Company, she quickly emerged as a leader, eventually managing hundreds of individuals across multiple continents. This experience honed her leadership skills, enabling her to identify effective strategies and avoid common pitfalls.
A pivotal moment in her life came with the diagnosis of a rare congenital heart disease, necessitating immediate open-heart surgery. This life-altering experience underscored the profound impact of resilience and the mind’s ability to overcome adversity. It also kindled a passion for understanding the intricate connection between the brain and leadership, a knowledge she now shares through her coaching practice.
Marilize’s leadership ideology echoes the timeless wisdom of the Desiderata: “Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.” Rooted in authenticity and empathy, she believes in the value of empowerment. Mind Studio is a testament to this belief. It’s a platform designed to help leaders break free from limitations, fostering courage and empathy.
A Day in the Life of Founder & CEO
As Mind Studio’s visionary founder & CEO, Marilize works closely with seasoned business leaders, dynamic corporate teams, and ambitious individuals, sharpening their skills, dismantling performance barriers, and crafting strategic roadmaps for enduring success.
Beyond her client work, Marilize is a champion for equity and inclusion. She designs and implements innovative training programs, policies, and procedures to foster a more just and equitable workplace. This multifaceted role demands seamless coordination with diverse teams and a keen eye on industry trends and best practices. What does her typical day look like? Well, it’s pretty erratic! “No two days are the same, so there is nothing typical about my day,” she affirms.
Marilize’s relentless drive is evident in her approach to goal setting. She establishes 3 clear weekly objectives and works tirelessly until each one is achieved.
Approach to Work-Life Balance and Team Motivation
In our busy world, juggling work and life can feel like a high-wire act. So, how has Marilize mastered this? She doesn’t subscribe to the traditional notion of “work-life balance.” Instead, she champions “work-life integration.” This savvy businesswoman works in focused sprints, punctuating intense work sessions with invigorating breaks—a leisurely dog walk or a heart-pumping Peloton ride.
Marilize also believes in the power of variety. By switching between tasks, she keeps her mind sharp and her work exciting. Learning is her fuel, and she embraces every opportunity to expand her knowledge and skills. Her work is an integral part of her life, and she approaches it with a fresh perspective that yields extraordinary results.
Pursuing Holistic Achievement: Professional Goals
Marilize’s ambition transcends personal success. She envisions a legacy—a ripple effect of leadership excellence that echoes through generations. Her audacious goal is to become synonymous with new thinking and methodology in the coaching space – a Maverick.
Amplifying Tomorrow’s Tech Leaders: A Visionary’s Blueprint
Marilize’s life purpose is a source of inspiration, illuminating the path to progressive growth for others. Echoing William Arthur Ward’s timeless wisdom, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires; she is committed to nurturing excellence.
This insightful leader gently reminds aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs from all backgrounds that true success lies not just in personal achievements but in the power of human connection. She stresses the importance of valuing people, cultivating meaningful relationships, and positively impacting every life they touch. As she eloquently states, “Stay true to your vision no matter what ‘tradition’ tells you; stay honest, strong, and humble.”
To sail through the complexities of leadership, Marilize encourages her mentees to simplify complex ideas, communicate with clarity, and cultivate a strong personal brand. She accentuates the significance of delivering value efficiently and maintaining the highest standards of excellence. Above all, she instills in them staunch self-belief. “Believe in yourself and never allow doubt to creep in,” she advises. Her leadership philosophy is rooted in action. She believes in leading by example, inspiring others through her own conduct, and creating positivity in every aspect of life.