March 2021
The Most Successful Businesswomen to watch, 2022
On The Cover

Cherie Koester – An Experienced Leader Revolutionizing Environmental Management With Her Expertise
Cherie Koester, a Master of Science degree from Arizona State University in International Environmental Technology Management & Sustainability, is Earthworks Environmental LLC’s Principal CEO. She

Cherie Koester – An Experienced Leader Revolutionizing Environmental Management With Her Expertise
Cherie Koester, a Master of Science degree from Arizona State University in International Environmental Technology Management & Sustainability, is Earthworks Environmental LLC’s Principal CEO. She

Zoe Share – A Passionate Businesswoman Creating Meaningful Communities For People From All Walks Of Life
Most successful leaders are extremely optimistic and inspiring. These traits are imbibed in Zoe

Derya Ozkaya Matras: Leading the Digital Revolution in Middle East
Every day, Middle Eastern women create magic by designing and sharing ideas, as well

Jennifer Byrne – A Technology Advocate Working Towards A Future Where Everybody Has The Tools To Thrive In A Digital World
Self-belief And Hard Work Will Always Earn You Success Every leader has a unique

Fatima Hasan Callahan: Shaping Successful Business Operations with Effectively Managed Processes
Women are being appointed to senior leadership roles in a growing number of corporations,

Bettina Schaller: Revolutionizing the Labour Market by focusing on Social Impact
Specializing in government relations, union negotiation, lobbying, Bettina Schaller, President at World Employment Confederation,

Fiona Daniel: Helping Businesses Foster More Inclusive Workplaces
In recent years, Diversity and Inclusion – two interconnected concepts have garnered a lot

Joanna James: Leading Mortgage Ezy soars to great heights
As a former Architect and designer, who gained international exposure to become the youngest

4 tips for busy women business owners to get (and stay) organized
One of the issues facing entrepreneurs, especially women, is the idea of organizing everything.

Hafan Cymru: One Act of Thought Makes a Huge Difference
Hafan Cymru was formed in 1989 as a Registered Social landlord. The business grew