Paul Kent: A Visionary Leader Transforming the Fintech Industry in Africa with Secure & Accessible Payment Solutions

World’s Top 10 Recommended Payment Solution Providers of the Year 2024

Paul Kent, CEO of adumo, embodies the visionary leadership driving innovation in the payment solutions industry. With a steadfast commitment to enhancing customer experiences and fostering growth across African markets, Paul’s leadership at adumo has propelled the company from its entrepreneurial roots to a pioneering force in fintech.

His strategic insights and dedication to excellence have not only transformed adumo into a leader in secure and affordable payment solutions but also positioned it as a catalyst for economic empowerment and technological advancement in the region.

From Financial Services to Fintech Leadership: Charting a Path of Perseverance and Opportunity

Paul reflects on his career, attributing much of his success to good timing and luck. His journey from financial services to becoming the CEO and co-founder of adumo highlights the role of preparation and seizing opportunities. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” he quotes Roman philosopher Seneca, underscoring the importance of timing, intuition, and perseverance in his professional journey.

Unlike many entrepreneurial ventures, adumo’s story didn’t start with familial loans or a garage-based startup. Instead, it began as an intrapreneurial endeavour during a transformative period in the private medical aid market in the mid-2000s. As medical benefits for members decreased, doctors, who previously relied on medical aid payments, needed to accept alternative payment methods, such as bank cards, directly from patients. While card acceptance was not new, it was uncommon in doctors’ practices.

In 2007, Sureswipe (now adumo) was launched as an add-on product for medical aid claim processing. The initiative quickly expanded beyond healthcare, recognising the broader opportunity among independent retailers across South Africa. This realisation catalysed the formation of Sureswipe in 2008, with a small team dedicated to empowering small businesses nationwide.

By 2019, the evolution continued with the birth of adumo. Kent explains that in the payment industry, scale is crucial. Partnering with Crossfin and APIS, adumo was established by consolidating key South African fintech companies: Sureswipe, Innervation Pan African Payments, and iKhokha. This merger created a robust platform to position adumo as a leading fintech across Africa.

The company’s growth trajectory culminated in May with the acquisition, subject to approvals, of adumo by Lesaka Technologies, a Nasdaq-listed company. Kent notes that they have progressed from a startup to a scale-up, acquiring and consolidating businesses, and are now embarking on the next chapter as part of a listed entity.

Enhancing Customer Experience Through Omnichannel Innovation

Paul discusses how an omnichannel strategy not only streamlines payment processes but also drives business growth by integrating financial services and technology solutions. He emphasises that adumo’s platform goes beyond just processing payments. “Since our inception, we have focused on solutions that assist our customers to grow their business,” he says. adumo provides payment solutions tailored to support customers at every stage of their growth journey, from startups to established enterprises.

A key component of adumo ‘s strategy is its omnichannel approach, which enhances the customer experience for businesses with both a physical and online presence. Paul highlights how adumo Capital has enabled clients with a single store to finance the opening of new locations or build an online presence using adumo Online for eCommerce purchases. “Our payment solutions work for our customers throughout their growth journey,” he notes.

In 2021 adumo acquired a majority stake in GAAP an ISV that focuses on hospitality. Embedding payments into GAAP’s value proposition exemplifying how embedded payment services with other applications improves the customer experience. These integrated solutions streamline the onboarding process, customise offers, and significantly elevate customer service levels.

This omnichannel approach ensures that adumo’s clients can seamlessly manage their financial transactions and leverage data to enhance their business operations, driving growth and improving service quality.

Revolutionising Payments in Africa: Serving Small Businesses and Driving Innovation

Paul discusses the motivations behind transforming the payment landscape in Africa and his ongoing passion for supporting small businesses. He reflects on the initial inspiration for focusing on payments in Africa. “Initially, we focused on solving a specific need for doctors to accept additional payment methods,” he explains.

As they dived deeper into the market, they discovered how poorly small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) were serviced and overcharged. This realization ignited a drive to make a difference, leading to the creation of a challenger brand that stands up for the “little guy” against incumbent banks.

Paul believes that their efforts have significantly improved the South African payment landscape. “Looking back, I think we are one of a select few companies that really improved the South African payment landscape,” he asserts. Today, South Africa boasts a vibrant fintech community where the payment industry is highly competitive and innovative. The primary beneficiaries of this transformation are consumers and merchants.

Despite the success, Paul sees untapped potential. “We are just scratching the surface,” he notes. South Africa has a large number of issued cards in circulation, but over a million SMBs still only accept cash. “The card acceptance gap is huge, and the opportunity to make a difference remains high,” Paul emphasises. This gap highlights the ongoing need and potential for further innovation and support for small businesses in the region.

Navigating Challenges in Digital and E-Commerce to Empower Small Businesses

Paul addresses the hurdles small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face in adopting digital payments and how adumo is working to overcome these challenges. The transition to digital payments is advancing, with significant benefits for standardising across SMB’s. “The introduction or adoption of digital payments for an SMB is considered the gateway to financial inclusion, such as access to credit and other financial services,” Paul explains.

Despite these advantages, adoption remains slow, with cash still the primary payment method due to several factors. These include the costs associated with digital payments, high operational costs linked to regulatory requirements such as Know Your Customer and onboarding, compliance expenses, and issues like unstable power supply and instability of the network.

Paul elaborates on some of these challenges. The regulatory framework in South Africa aims for financial inclusion by introducing new payment methods like Payshap, a Rapid Payment Platform that mimics cash with instant access and lower fees compared to credit and debit card payments. “Payshap is a significant step in achieving the financial inclusion goal so that we can build a “alternative” support for the resilient entrepreneurial spirit in SA – Bring in the human centricity,” he says. However, its rollout has been slow due to the involvement of incumbent banks. “Working primarily with fintechs or at least including them from the start could make a significant impact on the success of new initiatives,” Paul suggests.

adumo, in collaboration is taking a proactive approach by partnering with regulators and other fintechs to enhance financial inclusion efforts. Regarding the regulated interchange rate, Paul points out that South Africa’s fees are up to five times higher than those in countries like Australia, the UK, and New Zealand. This high-cost structure creates an unfair advantage for incumbent banks, as they often serve as both the issuer and acquiring bank, resulting in higher merchant discount fees for businesses.

Unstable electricity also poses a significant challenge. “Load-shedding cost the South African economy nearly R45 billion in 2022,” Paul notes, referencing estimates from Nova Economics. Load-shedding impacts retailers in three major ways: reduced foot traffic, increased diesel expenditure for generators, and elevated operating costs that cut profit margins. “Retailers lose potential customers during power cuts, and many have to spend millions monthly on diesel to power their generators,” he explains.

adumo is addressing these challenges by offering solutions that help SMB’s navigate the complexities of digital payments, regulatory hurdles, and operational disruptions, ultimately empowering them to thrive in a competitive market. Its diverse business landscape and offerings form the backbone of the country’s economic narrative, specifically for SMB merchants.

adumo levels the playing field by enabling smaller merchants to have a stepping stone to scale. Through services like loyalty programs, cash advances, and reconciliation tools, adumo provides valuable VAS (Value-Added Services) that help these merchants retain customers and start competing with larger merchants.

Transforming Leadership and Strategy: The Impact of Advanced Education and Regional Collaboration

Paul explains how an MBA from IE Business School shaped his leadership and business strategy and details specific initiatives that adumo has implemented to support African businesses. In 2013, he found himself at the helm of a rapidly growing company. To ensure he did not hinder progress, Paul sought to accelerate his personal development, leading him to pursue further education at IE Business School.

“The GX MBA Program provided me with the fundamentals needed to take the business from a rapidly growing 40 to 50-person organisation to what it is today, a group company with a workforce of more than 1,000 employees,” he says. This education equipped him with the tools to manage and scale adumo effectively.

adumo’s dedication to growing African businesses is evident in its region-specific strategies. Paul emphasises the importance of tailoring approaches to the continent’s diversity. “Africa consists of 54 countries, and is remarkably diverse, and we cannot assume that a single strategy is suitable across the continent. An approach needs to be regional or, in many instances, country-specific,” he explains. With over 90 percent of its revenue generated within South Africa, adumo focuses heavily on this primary market.

At its core, adumo values collaboration. The company has formed partnerships with Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) who have embedded adumo’s payment solutions into their software, promoting and distributing adumo as a preferred payment partner. “This improves the value proposition to merchants, generates additional income for ISVs, and scales our distribution,” Paul notes.

Another successful initiative is adumo’s white-label funding model. By partnering with Retail Capital (Tyme Bank) and leveraging payment data and funding capabilities, adumo has advanced over ZAR one billion in growth funding to SMBs across South Africa. These initiatives underscore adumo’s commitment to empowering local businesses and fostering economic growth.

Navigating Professional and Personal Life While Leading a Rapidly Growing Company

Paul shares insights on how he manages to balance professional responsibilities with his personal life, emphasising the importance of adaptability and family collaboration. For him, the concept of balance is deeply personal and varies depending on individual circumstances and life stages. “My understanding of my requirements for a balanced life could be very different to others,” he acknowledges.

Balancing personal and professional life is a dynamic process, influenced by the demands of different phases, whether it’s prioritising family time, focusing on career growth, or launching a business. With a young family, Paul strives to achieve a balance that suits his current situation. He finds that effective planning in consultation with his wife and family is crucial. “Downtime is not always easy because we are a client-centric organisation, and that means we service our clients during their working hours, which in retail means 24/7/365,” he explains.

In the early days of the startup, Paul’s role was highly flexible, adapting to the needs of the day, whether as a salesperson, call center agent, or HR manager. This often meant taking client support calls on weekends or late at night. “Fortunately, that has changed, but I still believe that all executives should be accessible to clients, and I still take an occasional call from a client over a weekend,” Paul says.

This hands-on approach reflects his commitment to maintaining a connection with clients and ensuring that the company’s leadership remains accessible, balancing professional duties with the needs of his family.

Driving Success Through Employee Motivation and Incentive Solutions

Building a team with complimentary and diverse skills and empowering them to make decisions together with employee motivation is essential for business success. At adumo, this is achieved through a values-driven approach and clear performance metrics. “We ensure that every employee understands our core values and purpose, aligning their personal goals with the company’s mission,” Paul states.

Paul emphasises the principle of knowing and doing one’s job well, a philosophy he echoes from a recent interview he heard with Jean de Villiers: “Know your job, do your job.” This mindset fosters accountability and excellence across the organisation. By implementing these incentive solutions, adumo not only boosts productivity but also cultivates a motivated and engaged workforce, driving the company’s success.

Pioneering Payment Solutions: adumo’s Innovations in the Hospitality Industry

Paul discusses adumo’s recent technological advancements designed to enhance payment solutions, particularly in the hospitality sector. Innovation is at the heart of adumo, and acquiring GAAP in 2021 has significantly contributed to this ethos. Collaborating closely with the GAAP team, Paul reveals that this partnership has provided deeper insights into the hospitality segment, enabling the development of industry-specific products and solutions. “The relationship that GAAP has with their customers is very consultative,” he notes.

By examining the customer journey from reservation to checkout, adumo identified key payment trigger points to enhance the customer experience and address common pain points in the restaurant industry. One notable innovation is the introduction of self-service kiosks using GAAP’s software and unattended payment devices. Additionally, the Pay/Order at Table application streamlines the ordering process, improves table turnover rates, and increases revenue. “Equipping waiters with mobile devices that are integrated into the POS and restaurant operations to take and process orders is extremely efficient,” Paul explains.

These innovations double as payment devices, allowing for quick table closures immediately upon receipt of payment. This reduces the time to present a bill and eliminates the need for shared payment devices among waitstaff, addressing a common frustration for many restaurant customers. Through these advancements, adumo is enhancing the efficiency and customer experience within the hospitality industry, demonstrating its commitment to pioneering payment solutions.

Safeguarding Transactions: adumo’s Commitment to Security and Affordability

Paul details how adumo prioritises the security and affordability of its payment solutions, ensuring protection for both businesses and consumers. As adumo grows in prominence, it inevitably becomes a target for cybercrime. Recognising this, Paul emphasises that the company invests heavily in security measures. “This is an area of ongoing investment that receives a significant increase in spending each year relative to other areas,” he explains.

“For clients, using adumo provides increased security and peace of mind,” Paul states. These measures underscore adumo’s dedication to safeguarding transactions and maintaining affordability, reinforcing trust among its business partners and customers.

Empowering Future Leaders in Fintech: Insights from a Visionary in Payment Solutions

Paul offers advice to aspiring leaders in the payment solutions industry, emphasising the importance of strategic scaling and an entrepreneurial mindset. For Paul, guiding Fintech startups involves sharing wisdom encapsulated in Reid Hoffman’s words: “First mover advantage doesn’t go to the first company that launches, it goes to the first company that scales.”

Reflecting on adumo’s journey, Paul acknowledges the benefits of early entry into a less competitive market, allowing time for learning and growth. In hindsight, he sees potential for greater impact by accelerating adumo’s distribution network in its early days. “If I could change one thing, it would be the time it took us to scale,” he admits. This reflection underscores the importance of seizing opportunities swiftly and maximizing growth potential.

Entrepreneurial success, Paul believes, hinges on openness to opportunities, thorough analysis, and a balance of strategic thinking with instinctual decisions. “Don’t be afraid to take risks and, most importantly, back yourself,” he advises. This approach, grounded in confidence and calculated risk-taking, has been pivotal in adumo’s journey toward creating significant social and economic impact in the payment solutions industry.


Under Paul Kent’s guidance, adumo continues to set new benchmarks in the fintech landscape, driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation and a steadfast commitment to security and affordability. As adumo expands its footprint across Africa, Paul’s vision for inclusive growth and technological integration remains at the forefront. adumo’s systems have simplified operations for SMBs, further solidifying its role in empowering smaller merchants to compete effectively in the market. With a focus on scalability, customer-centric solutions, and ethical leadership, Paul Kent and adumo are passionate about shaping the future of payments, empowering businesses and consumers alike with seamless, secure, and transformative financial technologies.

For more information on adumo and its innovative solutions in the fintech industry, please visit

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