June 2021 | Vol. 1
The 10 Most Inspiring Business Leaders Making a Difference, 2021
On The Cover

Steven Conville: Trailblazing the groundbreaking cannabis industry with KRH
Cannabis is recognized as the 2nd most dominant cannabinoid on the entire earth. Steven Conville, CEO of Kronic Relief Holding Corp is revolutionizing the cannabis

Steven Conville: Trailblazing the groundbreaking cannabis industry with KRH
Cannabis is recognized as the 2nd most dominant cannabinoid on the entire earth. Steven Conville, CEO of Kronic Relief Holding Corp is revolutionizing the cannabis

Sarah Sun: Amalgamating businesses and investors with Sharechest
Every successful leader has their own definition for success. For Sarah Sun, Co-Founder and

Elinor Stutz: A Pioneer Sales Leader keeping a Unique stance on generating sales
As the adage says, “Success comes to those who will and dare.” Many successful

Raissa De Haas: Transforming Passion into a Successful Business Plan
Passion motivates us, fills us with purpose and happiness, it helps us overcome obstacles.

Thuy Nguyen: Thriving high in the Marketing Industry with Forbes France
Forbes is a brand name uncovering success stories of remarkable leaders from all over

Carolyn Lewis: Transforming the eLearning Industry with a Passion for Life-long Learning
Education is an ongoing process of learning, developing skills, and acquiring new ones. With

An Inspiring Story that Led the Way of Success
We all have a story however just a few have a story that will

Sheri Atwood: Helping Parents Raise Happy & Healthy Children
There are over 298 Million parents globally who are raising their children in modern

Cindy Jutras – She Refused to Follow and Decided to Lead
We are often caught in awe of inspiring personalities and leaders who have stepped