April 2021
Top 10 Extraordinary CEOs to Watch in 2021
On The Cover

Mark Ceely: A Steadfast IT Leader Leading from the Front
He wanted to bring IT to customers in a way for them to experience the integrity, loyalty, honesty, and transparency that they deserve from a

Thomas Charlton: Improving End User Experience with Goliath Technologies
Thomas Charlton, CEO and Chairman of Goliath Technologies, has always had a clear vision

Making Motherhood Wonderful with Mumzworld
Being a mother is the most wonderful feeling that every woman experiences in her

Aiden Keegan: The Best Coffee Service Esquires Takes the Lead
Coffee is the most popular beverage consumed in the world. Statistics say that more

Kim Grennan: Leveraging the Power of Digital Marketing for Exponential Business Growth
Digital marketing has become an indispensable building block for skyrocketing the success of every

Ran Rachlin: Leading the Generation by Example
As Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it”.

Andersens: Improving Homes with Exceptional Services and Technology
Every little thing in the house is an important asset that contributes towards making

Heather Ripley: Creatively Making a World-Class PR Agency
While we are all caught up in an extremely busy schedule and a preoccupied