Niklas Boerger: Fusing Sports and Entertainment with Important Values to Impact Society

Top 10 Most Inspiring CEOs to Follow in 2024

Niklas Boerger is a towering and influential figure in the international sports events arena. As CEO of Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games, he is currently navigating challenges, seizing every opportunity, and implementing innovative ideas to prepare the ground for the successful organization of the world’s largest multisport events in Germany. Under his leadership, the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 Games aim to set new standards, showcase the integral role of sports in promoting sustainable development, and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Niklas is one of those leaders who believes that a leader is as good as his team. So, he does not define success only in terms of meeting or exceeding event KPIs. For him, it is about achieving KPIs collaboratively with his team and synergistically with partners. “Success is meaningful when it reflects growth, motivation, and satisfaction without compromising others,” he says. “This holistic approach defines success in my work.”

Life before Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games

From a young age, long before he took the helm of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games, Niklas’s life has been heavily influenced by his involvement in sports, particularly tennis and soccer. He shares that his tennis career significantly shaped his mental strength and determination. It also led him to discover a penchant for team-oriented activities over individual pursuits. “This realization has deeply influenced my career goals, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and commitment,” Niklas says.

Another pivotal experience he recalls is his expeditions in the Ecuadorian Andes with top managers, where he learned the value of teamwork and the intense emotions that arise from extreme situations.

When he was still in his first semester at university, Niklas took the plunge into entrepreneurship, establishing his own sports marketing business. According to him, this marked the beginning of his career. His company offered him a hands-on, invaluable experience. It perfectly complemented his academic studies as well. After graduating, he had the opportunity to work at a major sports event, where he gained significant experience and proved himself.

“It may sound like a cliché, but I believe in seizing opportunities with courage and decisiveness, as they often come for a short window of time,” Niklas says.

Challenges Lead to Innovative Solutions

Niklas has encountered multiple challenges throughout his career. He, however, has never allowed them to impact his positive approach or mindset. He believes that challenges make an individual stronger. “It’s certainly gratifying when a plan works as intended, but challenges are the real door openers for innovative solutions,” he points out. “External factors, often under time pressure, force us to focus, think unconventionally, operate with agility and dynamism, and go the extra mile.”

Niklas believes that creativity explodes when parameters are tightened and an individual focuses on the essentials. He explains that complex problems require complex solution systems, which typically arise from the collaboration of people with different perspectives and skills – a diverse team.

“When these factors come together, magic can happen,” Niklas says. And when that happens, he is exceedingly satisfied. “Yes, challenges make us stronger for sure, but what’s even more important to me is that challenges create space for creativity,” he says.

Best Moments and Recognition

Niklas has received multiple recognitions over the years. However, for him, the best recognition he has received as a leader was undoubtedly during the implementation of the Ruhr Games 2021 in Bochum. He reveals that this event was extremely intense and exhausting, especially given the challenges posed by the numerous lockdowns and associated uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these adversities, Niklas and his team dared to host the first major event after the lockdowns. “We did so without any infections or incidents,” he says. “The subsequent gratitude from the athletes and providers was overwhelming.”

For Niklas, it was an “outstanding recognition” to see the participants’ happiness and relief at finally being part of a large sports event again and to hear how much they appreciated their efforts. “These positive responses and the fact that we were able to facilitate a safe and successful event are invaluable to me as a leader,” he says. “They affirm the importance of passion, dedication, and a clear vision.”

And, according to him, the most important form of recognition is the continuity of his relationship with many long-time companions on his professional path. “The trust that is returned to me is the most beautiful recognition I can imagine,” Niklas points out.

About Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games

Niklas took over as CEO of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games in December of 2022. Scheduled to take place in Germany in 2025, these games are billed as the world’s largest multisport event. Up to 8,500 athletes and officials from around 150 countries are expected to participate in this international sports festival.

The Games are innovatively spread across four host cities, Bochum, Duisburg, Essen, and Mülheim an der Ruhr, in close proximity in North Rhine-Westphalia, along the rivers Rhine and Ruhr. A small part of the event will also be held in Berlin. Niklas says that medals will be awarded in 18 sports including 3×3 basketball, badminton, beach volleyball, fencing, gymnastics, judo, swimming, and more. The event includes not only sports competitions but also a cultural program and a three-day academic conference.

This prestigious competition, Niklas informs, is for student-athletes aged 18 to 25 who are pursuing both academic studies and sports careers. Approximately 250 staff members across various functional areas are dedicated to ensuring the successful execution of the Games in 2025.

“Our goal is to create a vibrant, international sports festival that captivates visitors,” Niklas says.

The Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH, owned solely by the German University Sports Federation (adh), is the organizing body. To organize the games, it is receiving funding support from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Thinking Big and Taking Decisive Actions

For the successful organization of the games, Niklas and his team have fostered a unified vision by bringing together diverse stakeholders and aligning individual interests with shared missions. As CEO, he believes in thinking big and taking decisive actions rather than incremental steps. This has enabled him and his team to achieve ambitious goals and set new standards in event organization and execution.

“This approach has not only enhanced the Games’ reputation but also strengthened partnerships and ensured a lasting legacy for the region and participants alike,” Niklas says.

Culture of Integrity and Innovation

In a rapidly changing, globalized world, Niklas believes sports can make an indispensable contribution to democratic and sustainable development. This, according to him, requires responsible action based on transparency, integrity, responsibility, and accountability as well as participation and inclusion as principles of good governance. “The values and principles are defined in the code of ethics,” he points out. And the sub-project of developing the Corporate Values is very important to him.

Niklas explains that it is because a positive, appreciative, and open corporate culture is a basic requirement, which allows them to complete their challenging tasks together with fun. “Of course, we need all employees to successfully implement these values, as we can only develop together,” he adds.

Under his leadership, employees internalize the values by working them out together in a workshop. This has led to five main points: courage, cohesion, appreciation, flexibility, and transparency. Niklas also organizes several team events and has a weekly exchange to address challenges. “We celebrate milestones and honor employees for special achievements,” he says.

Responsibilities and Work-Life Blending

At the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games, the work is highly diverse. Niklas engages daily with all departments, collaborating closely to implement numerous ideas and stay on track. He explains that maintaining an overview of the event’s scale necessitates regular communication with staff, resulting in a calendar packed with meetings.

Both federal and state governments are key funding partners with a vested interest in the successful execution of the Games. So, Niklas also engages in numerous discussions at the political level. He highlights that this is particularly crucial given their multi-city hosting concept, requiring ongoing updates and coordination with each municipality involved.

Given Niklas’s demanding work schedule, how does he maintain a work-life balance? He practices the model of work-life blending and not work-life balance. Unlike the traditional work-life balance, which involves a strict separation between work and leisure, he merges job and leisure activities. This offers him greater flexibility. “For me, this is not a burden but rather a relief, as I can make quick decisions and prevent tasks from piling up,” Niklas says.

However, for his team, he prefers the work-life balance model. He respects his employees’ desire for a clear separation between their professional and personal lives. Merging occurs only during their numerous team events, which they celebrate together. “This approach ensures that everyone can find their individual balance while being part of a motivated and engaged team,” Niklas explains.

In addition, he and his team prioritize target achievement discussions and offer tailored training opportunities for personal development during the event. To enrich his international staff’s experience and foster cross-cultural understanding, Niklas offers them the opportunity to learn the language, in addition to organizing cultural events for them.

And Niklas does not experience motivational problems. “Once I decide on something, I go all in,” he says.

Vision and Plans for the Future

Niklas feels that organizing events of the magnitude of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games is both an honor and an obligation. He and his team aim to set new standards and show the world that sport is in the DNA of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

“But it’s not just about providing a fantastic spectacle during the two weeks of competition,” Niklas points out. The Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games are not only a sporting highlight of international significance but also a platform that embodies the spirit of community, the exchange of knowledge, and the contribution of sport to sustainable development.

“We want to develop ideas and concepts that can be implemented by other major sporting events in the future,” Niklas says. They recently published their pre-games paper on “Legacy & Sustainability.” It is a milestone on the path of their commitment and aspiration to leave positive impulses and effects on their environment and society with these Games.

Niklas says that sustainability is a fundamental principle that should permeate the core of their vision for the Games. He and his team firmly believe that events like the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games provide the opportunity to show a way forward for a more sustainable future. “We want to create a legacy for future generations,” he says. “Our sustainability agenda is holistic and encompasses environmental aspects, social responsibility, and economic dimensions.”

He also wants to see their measures and decisions have a long-term positive impact. To achieve this, they work closely with local communities, educational institutions, and the scientific community. “It’s not just about using existing sports facilities to host the Games,” Niklas says. “We are taking a broader approach to sustainability.”

He also underscores that the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games are more than just a sporting spectacle. “They are a commitment to lasting positive change and sustainable development.”

Personal Goals Rooted in Event Sector

Niklas’s personal goals are rooted in the event sector, focusing on sports and culture. “I’m passionate about combining entertainment with important values and messages to contribute to society,” he says.

He also believes that it is crucial to inspire people, evoke emotions, and promote unity, and therefore, he aims to create high-quality events that are accessible and understandable to a wide audience. “Ensuring harmony between price and reception is important to me,” he says.

Through his work, Niklas wants to ensure that sports and cultural events not only entertain but also convey meaningful values, creating platforms that bring people together and provide unforgettable, inspiring experiences.

Influencing Next-Generation Leaders

Niklas aims to significantly influence the next generation of leaders by sharing his extensive experience and insights. His goal is to prepare emerging leaders to navigate and succeed in an ever-changing world.

A key aspect of Niklas’s approach is staying current with trends and developments without losing strategic perspective. “It’s crucial to stay informed but not to follow every new trend blindly,” he says. He explains that a clear and steadfast mindset helps in making informed decisions that lead to long-term success. He also emphasizes the importance of maintaining inner strength and resilience, especially in times of crisis – when pressure from shareholders and stakeholders increases. According to Niklas, leaders should free themselves from external pressures and remain focused to steer in the right direction during challenging times. He says that this independence and steadfastness are vital for making the right decisions under pressure.

Another piece of advice Niklas offers the next generation of leaders is: to build a solid foundation. He says that specializations are valuable, but they should not come too early. A broad and deep understanding of their field forms the basis for making well-informed decisions and defending them.

“Only those who grasp the fundamental principles and mechanisms of their domain can successfully specialize and take on leadership responsibilities later,” Niklas says.

Message to Aspiring Professionals

Niklas emphasizes the importance of passion and dedication in his message to aspiring leaders. “It may sound cliché, but strive to be the best in your field, even if you never fully achieve this goal,” he says.

He also advises them to network, be ready to think outside the box and explore new paths. “But most importantly: always change your perspective,” he adds. “When implementing your plans, focus not on your personal goals but always on the experience for the athletes, artists, and visitors.”