Cristina Miller: Transforming Digital Experiences with Innovation and Excellence

Top 10 Empowering Women CEOs to Follow in 2024

Cristina Miller, CEO and Co-Founder of Intermedia Touch, leads a firm with two divisions: digital signage and multimedia solutions, and interactive digital promotions for casino gaming. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality, Intermedia Touch creates immersive customer experiences that drive acquisition, enhance guest interactions, and foster loyalty.

Before founding Intermedia Touch, Cristina was Chief Financial Officer for Kelme USA, an international soccer shoe and apparel manufacturer, and former sponsor of REAL MADRID. She also leads Miller Enterprises of South Florida LLC, an e-commerce investment firm, and co-founded the DaMil Group, focused on AI development.

Her philanthropic roles include President of the Coral Gables Chamber Foundation and involvement with the American Cancer Society. Cristina is dedicated to championing gender equity, mentoring youth, and serving her community.

Paving the Path to Financial Excellence

Before joining Intermedia Touch, Cristina dedicated 14 dynamic years to Kelme, a renowned Spanish manufacturer of soccer sporting goods. Guided by the visionary CEO Diego Quiles, Cristina climbed the ranks to become Chief Financial Officer (CFO), where she was instrumental in shaping the company’s financial strategies.

“My role involved a wide spectrum of financial responsibilities,” she reminisces. “I managed asset-based lines of credit, negotiated forward contracts, established letters of credit, and secured sponsorship agreements.”

Beyond her financial duties, Cristina played a significant role in the National Association of Soccer Credit Advisors, representing Kelme on a national stage. With manufacturing hubs in Spain, Asia, and South America, she skillfully managed payment processing for goods and handled complex transportation negotiations, overseeing the movement of thousands of containers over the years.

This diverse experience sharpened her expertise in international trade and logistics, boosting Kelme’s operational efficiency and profitability. However, in February 2008, a strategic pivot led to the closure of Kelme USA operations after the distribution rights were sold to Twin City Knitting of North Carolina. This transition was a defining moment in Cristina’s career, highlighting her ability to adapt and thrive in complex business environments.

As CFO, Cristina was unwavering in her pursuit of financial excellence and strategic partnerships, leaving a lasting impact on Kelme’s legacy. Her tenure equipped her with invaluable skills, paving the way for her influential leadership at Intermedia Touch.

Redefining Success: A Journey of Progress and Impact

For Cristina, success is about progress and impact. She believes, “It’s not just about achieving a specific goal or reaching a certain status; it’s about continuously moving forward, learning, and making a positive difference in the lives of others.”

Cristina feels that success is not a destination but rather a journey. She states, “It’s the journey of growth, both personally and professionally, and the journey of contributing something meaningful to the world.” To her, it’s about embracing challenges, learning from failures, and constantly striving to improve.

Moreover, Cristina emphasizes that success is also about making a difference in the lives of others. “Whether it’s through leadership, innovation, or simply acts of kindness, success is ultimately measured by the positive impact we have on those around us and the world at large,” she asserts.

In essence, Cristina’s definition of success is grounded in continuous improvement, resilience, and making a positive difference in the world. She believes it’s about striving to be the best version of oneself while also uplifting and empowering others along the way.

Innovating Digital Experiences: The Dual Prowess of Intermedia Touch

Intermedia Touch is a company where innovation is the heartbeat of progress, distinguished by its dual-pronged approach to revolutionizing digital experiences, spearheading two thriving divisions dedicated to distinct yet equally impactful pursuits.

The first division of Intermedia Touch pioneers cutting-edge digital signage and multimedia solutions. Cristina highlights, “The company’s expertise unfurls across a spectrum of applications, ranging from the seamless navigation of complex environments through Wayfinding solutions to the dynamic display of information via directories, donor walls, video walls, and digital billboards.”

What sets this division apart is its unwavering commitment to marrying custom software applications with integrated hardware solutions, ensuring every client receives a tailored experience crafted to their precise needs. “Whether it’s enhancing visitor engagement in a museum, facilitating smooth navigation in a sprawling corporate campus, or honoring donors in a philanthropic setting,”

Cristina asserts, “Intermedia Touch delivers unparalleled quality and innovation, setting new standards with each endeavor.” In the realm of casino gaming, Intermedia Touch’s second division shines as a powerhouse dedicated to designing and developing interactive digital promotions that redefine the player experience.

Cristina explains, “Spearheaded by visionary leadership, this division stands as an industry leader, continuously pushing boundaries and exploring the frontiers of technological integration.” Here, advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) converge to create immersive experiences that transcend traditional gaming paradigms.

“From captivating promotions that entice new patrons to engaging solutions that elevate guest experiences to unprecedented heights,” Cristina notes, “Intermedia Touch’s prowess in this arena is unparalleled. Every innovation is meticulously crafted to not just entertain, but to engage, delight, and ultimately foster lasting loyalty among patrons.”

What unites these two divisions is not just a commitment to innovation, but a shared vision of transforming ordinary interactions into extraordinary experiences. “Whether it’s navigating a bustling venue with ease or immersing oneself in the thrill of casino gaming, Intermedia Touch stands as a beacon of possibility, consistently pushing the boundaries of what is achievable,” Cristina states.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains certain: with Intermedia Touch leading the charge, the future of interactive experiences is boundless.

Leadership in Action: The Vision for Intermedia Touch

As the CEO of Intermedia Touch, Cristina embodies multifaceted leadership, orchestrating the company’s strategic partnerships, community outreach endeavors, philanthropic initiatives, and overseeing the sales team.

She adeptly navigates the landscape of strategic partnerships, forging alliances that propel the company forward. Cristina states, “Through meticulous planning and relationship-building, I ensure that Intermedia Touch aligns with like-minded organizations, maximizing opportunities for mutual growth and innovation.”

Cristina is deeply committed to community outreach and philanthropy, recognizing the importance of corporate social responsibility. She champions initiatives that make a positive impact beyond the confines of the business.

“Whether through charitable donations, volunteer efforts, or partnerships with community organizations,” Cristina notes, “I foster a culture of giving back, enriching the lives of those in need while strengthening Intermedia Touch’s reputation as a socially responsible corporate citizen.”

Moreover, as the head of sales, Cristina brings her visionary leadership and sales expertise to drive revenue generation and business development efforts. With a strategic mindset and a focus on customer satisfaction, she empowers her team to exceed targets and deliver exceptional results.

Cristina emphasizes, “Through comprehensive sales strategies, market analysis, and continuous training, I ensure that Intermedia Touch maintains its competitive edge in the marketplace, driving sustainable growth and success for the organization.”

When reflecting on her journey, Cristina describes it as a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. “Leading an organization to success is a challenging journey, fraught with obstacles and uncertainties,” she explains.

Cristina’s experience has been characterized by resilience, adaptability, and unwavering determination. “From the outset, I recognized that success would not come easily and that overcoming adversity would be an integral part of the journey,” she remarks.

Throughout her journey, Cristina has encountered numerous challenges that have tested her leadership abilities. “Whether facing market disruptions, internal conflicts, or unforeseen external factors, I have approached each obstacle as an opportunity for growth and learning,” she states.

Embracing a mindset of continuous improvement, Cristina has leveraged these challenges to strengthen the organization’s resilience and agility. Despite the inherent difficulties, leading Intermedia Touch to success has been immensely rewarding.

Cristina reflects, “Along the way, I have had the privilege of working alongside dedicated teams who share a common vision and sense of purpose.” Together, they have celebrated achievements, overcome obstacles, and forged a collective sense of resilience and determination.

As they continue on this journey, Cristina remains committed to empowering and inspiring those around her, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence that propels them toward even greater heights of success.

Overcoming Challenges: Lessons in Leadership and Innovation

Cristina’s professional journey has been marked by overcoming significant roadblocks, each teaching her valuable lessons in leadership and business strategy. She recalls, “One significant challenge was navigating the ever-changing landscape of technology.”

Recognizing the importance of staying informed and adaptable to emerging technologies, Cristina understood that providing clients with direction, solutions, and vision required a constant commitment to learning and innovation. Embracing this mindset, she led her team to stay nimble and proactive in anticipating and leveraging technological advancements.

Another hurdle Cristina faced was being a woman in a leadership role within the male-dominated fields of technology and casino gaming. “Overcoming skepticism and doubts about my competency, I resolved to demonstrate my capabilities through consistent excellence and dedication,” she explains.

By striving to be the best every day, Cristina aimed to not only prove her worth but also inspire others to recognize the value of diversity and inclusion in leadership. Additionally, she learned the invaluable lesson that the strength of an organization lies in its people.

“Investing in our staff’s growth and development became a cornerstone of our success at Intermedia Touch,” Cristina notes. By nurturing a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and continuous learning, they cultivated a high-performing team capable of driving innovation and achieving strategic objectives.

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of resilience and adaptability for Cristina. “Understanding the need for diversification and agility, we swiftly pivoted our operations to meet evolving market demands,” she says. This experience reinforced the importance of being prepared for the unforeseen and embracing change as a catalyst for growth.

In essence, Cristina’s journey has been about learning and adapting, turning challenges into opportunities, and fostering a culture that values continuous improvement and innovation.

Leadership Legacy: Inspiring Growth and Empowering Others

Cristina considers her greatest achievement as a leader to be the lasting impact she has had on the lives and careers of her former employees. She reflects, “The fact that many of them still maintain regular contact with me, seeking mentorship and advice, speaks volumes about the relationships I have built and the trust I have earned.”

Knowing that she has played a role in their professional growth and development brings her immense satisfaction and reinforces her belief in the power of mentorship and leadership to inspire and empower others. For Cristina, her greatest achievement as a leader lies in the meaningful relationships she has forged and the lasting impact she has had on the lives of those she has had the privilege to lead.

“It is a humbling reminder of the profound difference leadership can make in shaping the trajectory of individuals’ careers and fostering a culture of growth, learning, and mutual support within an organization,” she admits. Thriving as a woman in leadership within her industry has presented challenges for Cristina, but she emphasizes that these obstacles are not insurmountable. She notes, “I am fortunate to be surrounded by a supportive network of professional female friends who offer invaluable encouragement, guidance, and camaraderie.”

Through shared experiences, they uplift and empower each other, fostering solidarity and resilience in navigating the unique challenges faced by women in leadership roles. Cristina also values the perspectives offered by her male colleagues and friends, which provide her with a broader understanding of different viewpoints and contribute to her personal and professional growth.

In terms of making an influential impact on the next generation, Cristina believes in the power of mentorship and role modeling to effect positive change. She is deeply committed to mentoring young women and men aspiring to leadership roles, aiming to empower them with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate their own career paths successfully.

Cristina strives to instill values of mutual respect, empathy, and inclusivity, fostering a culture where gender-related barriers are dismantled, and individuals are judged based on their skills, abilities, and contributions rather than their gender. Ultimately, her vision is to contribute to the creation of a world where gender disparities and biases no longer inhibit individuals’ professional growth and opportunities.

Cristina hopes to inspire future generations to challenge societal norms, embrace diversity and inclusion, and cultivate environments where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed, regardless of their gender. She believes that by fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding, we can pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” – Ronald Reagan

Charting a Course for Growth and Impact

Cristina envisions ambitious plans for the future of the company, encompassing both geographical expansion and diversification of service offerings. She states, “Geographically, we aim to expand internationally, extending our proven goods and services to companies and casinos across the globe.”

By leveraging their expertise and track record of success, they seek to establish a strong presence in key markets worldwide, delivering innovative solutions that meet the diverse needs of their global clientele. In addition to geographical expansion, Cristina envisions the creation of a new division within the company focused on developing custom AI solutions.

She notes, “Recognizing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence across various industries, we are committed to harnessing this technology to deliver tailored solutions that address specific challenges and opportunities faced by our clients.” By investing in AI research and development, they aim to stay at the forefront of technological innovation, providing cutting-edge solutions that drive value and differentiation for their customers.

Furthermore, Cristina is dedicated to expanding the company’s impact beyond business endeavors through the establishment of a nonprofit foundation. She explains, “This foundation will serve as a platform for formalizing and amplifying our philanthropic efforts, enabling us to make a meaningful difference in the communities we serve.”

By supporting initiatives that align with their core values and priorities, such as education, environmental sustainability, and social welfare, they aim to create positive and lasting change, contributing to the betterment of society while upholding their commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Cristina’s vision for the future of the company is characterized by strategic expansion, innovation, and social impact. Through international expansion, diversification into AI solutions, and the establishment of a nonprofit foundation, they are poised to drive sustainable growth, deliver value to their clients, and make a positive difference in the world.

With a clear roadmap and unwavering commitment to these goals, Cristina looks forward to realizing her vision and continuing to create value for all stakeholders in the years to come.

Embracing Dynamic Challenges with Grace

Cristina’s typical workday is dynamic and filled with a mix of excitement and challenges. She starts her day by reviewing her meticulously organized and color-coded calendar, which serves as her roadmap for the day ahead. From team meetings to client engagements to community involvement activities, her schedule is packed with diverse responsibilities that keep her on her toes and fully engaged.

Throughout the day, Cristina prioritizes strategic thinking and planning, constantly considering the next steps in both her professional and personal life. She notes, “As a leader, I recognize the importance of setting aside dedicated time to strategize and envision the future direction of the company, ensuring that we remain proactive and agile in responding to evolving market dynamics and opportunities.”

In addition to her professional commitments, Cristina also places a strong emphasis on self-care and well-being. As a breast cancer survivor, she understands the importance of prioritizing her health and making time for regular exercise and self-care practices. By maintaining a healthy work-life balance and taking proactive steps to nurture her physical and mental well-being, she is better equipped to tackle the demands of her role and lead with clarity, focus, and resilience.

If Cristina were to define herself in one word, she would choose “resilient.” She reflects, “Throughout my journey, both personally and professionally, I have faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but I have always bounced back stronger and more determined than ever.” Her resilience enables her to navigate adversity with grace and perseverance, inspiring those around her to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Harmonizing Life and Leadership

Cristina prioritizes maintaining a balance between her personal and professional life, emphasizing effective delegation and setting boundaries. She notes, “If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.” By surrounding herself with intelligent and capable individuals, she can entrust tasks to them, allowing her the freedom to prioritize and allocate time to every important aspect of her life. Having her husband as the Co-Founder of the company not only aligns with their goals but also provides invaluable support and understanding as they navigate the demands of both work and home life.

As the company has grown, Cristina has learned the importance of saying “no” strategically. With an increasing number of demands on her time, she has become more selective about the commitments she makes, ensuring that she can fully dedicate herself to those endeavors she chooses to pursue. By being mindful of what she says yes to, she can maintain focus and remain present, delivering the highest level of service to both her team and their clients.

Cristina’s motivation to deliver the best service stems from her upbringing and the challenges she faced growing up in a poor neighborhood in Miami. Witnessing her parents’ relentless work ethic to provide for their family, even during periods of hardship, instilled in her a deep sense of determination. She is driven by the desire to break barriers and defy expectations, not only for herself but also for those who may feel trapped by their circumstances.

Cristina sees her journey as a testament to the power of discipline and perseverance, and she strives to inspire others, especially young people, to believe in their potential and pursue their dreams relentlessly.

Challenging the Status Quo and Breaking Through Barriers

Cristina’s personal goals center around family, health, continuous learning, philanthropy, and travel. She explains, “I aim to spend quality time with loved ones and prioritize self-care to ensure physical and mental well-being.” Additionally, she aspires to expand her knowledge and perspectives through reading and learning new languages, fostering continuous personal growth.

Contributing to philanthropic causes that hold personal significance is also important to her, as she strives to make a positive impact on the world. Lastly, Cristina is passionate about travel, finding a way to explore new cultures and experiences with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

To aspiring leaders, Cristina offers a message of encouragement and empowerment. She advises, “Believe in the power of your dreams and the strength of your capabilities.” Cristina acknowledges the challenges of the journey but emphasizes that it is filled with possibilities and opportunities for growth. She encourages them to embrace their unique perspectives and experiences, as they are invaluable assets that set them apart as leaders.

Cristina urges aspiring leaders not to fear challenging the status quo and breaking through barriers. She emphasizes the importance of resilience in the face of adversity, knowing that every obstacle overcome only makes one stronger. She also emphasizes the importance of leading with authenticity, empathy, and integrity, staying true to oneself, and inspiring and empowering others.

Cristina reminds aspiring leaders that they are not alone on this journey and encourages them to seek out mentors, allies, and fellow trailblazers for support. Together, she believes they can shatter glass ceilings and pave the way for a future where women in executive roles are the norm.


In a world where leadership is often synonymous with power, Cristina Miller stands out as a beacon of empowerment and inspiration. Her personal goals reflect a deep-rooted commitment to family, health, continuous learning, philanthropy, and exploration.

Beyond her aspirations, Cristina’s message resonates with a profound sense of belief in their abilities and the transformative power of resilience and authenticity. Her journey embodies the essence of empowered leadership, where personal fulfillment fuels professional success.

Cristina’s message is not just one of encouragement but a call to action—a reminder that the path to leadership may be challenging, but it is also filled with opportunities for growth and impact. As she continues to pursue her goals and empower others, Cristina leaves behind a legacy of resilience, authenticity, and empowerment that will inspire generations to come.

“Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.” – Helen Keller