Almost every individual residing in the globe tends to liken their emotions to the mutant nature of weather. They view these circumstances as an uncontrollable factor. This analysis not only reflects to us that emotions are controllable but they also possess a strong power to take the reins of our daily emotions and steer ourselves toward building a foundation of better and nurtured physical health. The constant evolvement of encountering and formation of connections that an individual experience with any other similar human being then emerges as a tiny engine that drives the upward spiral between positivity and health. Louise Hampton who is the owner and chiropractor of Attend2Health is on a mission to empower the health industry on a larger scale. She is endeared to provide limitless assistance to every individual through her venture as her strong belief. She believes that everyone is different and not one form of treatment could be sustainable to any. Thus, she ensures to serve different variants of medical assistance under the same umbrella as it is easier to cross-refer and it also assists her to march a step closer towards her vision.
The expression of obeisance:
Being an entrepreneur is certainly not a job, it’s a contemplating lifestyle that builds the foundation of what you do. You need to sacrifice vacations, going home in the evening after the job is finished as in full-time employment and be that someone who is hitting the send buttons of e-mails before closing their eyelid at the end of the day and you are also the first one to read the e-mails as you wake up, provided you being awake hastily in the middle of the night. Upon seeking the boulders that have been as scary as this experience, Louise states that Attend2Health has just expanded into a new premise, bewildering as it seems is as scary as it is lived. In the instance of pandemic wherein the country has been into a lockdown period for an indefinite period of time, it is certainly a pointer to worry about the overhead costs that are knocking the nightmares. However, with the vision of being patient-centric, Louise is embracing the experience of wherewithal. At Attend2health, there are 4 chiropractors, 3 osteopaths, 4 massage therapists, 2 podiatrists, 3 physiotherapists at present and Louise is hoping to get an acupuncturist, hypnotherapist, and nutritionist starting soon.
Prevention is better than cure:
It is often chided to not keep away from individuals who attempt to belittle your emotions. Major small business owners do fall into the trap of demotivating themselves but when they deter, they become a greater version of themselves. Louise states that the core values of her venture are foremost to look after her patients in the best manner possible. She believes that as long as you are investing to make your patients make feel better and comfortable, you tend not to think about your competitors in a stress zone. However, she is also in a state of pessimism that her venture is able to assist the local NHS by recognizing her facility and by addressing all the patient’s aches and developing pains in a furious manner so as to prevent them by taking precautions before the evolvement of a chronic or larger variant of concerns.
The dynamics of expansion:
There is nothing that can stop the power of committed and determined individuals to make a difference in society because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet. But these committed individuals are certainly inevitable to encounter boulders. So far, it has been a bumpy ride for Louise, she expresses the journey by revisiting her past moments when her children were young and she was very worried about the bills to pay in her personal as well as professional life. On the contrary, over the years of her dedication and commitment, her health care institution has had grown and have had attained a reputable stand. This then allowed her to expand her mission and vision altogether wherein she invested in a much larger expanded premise but again, this came as a boulder for overhead expenses along with the unwelcomed pandemic in the country. Reminiscing about her future roadmaps post the pandemic, Louise is looking forward to being able to come out of lockdown and make proper utilization of her fresh investment in terms of expansion and add variants of fitness classes such as yoga, pilates, tai chi, etc.
The worth of every day:
How to sail and reach soundly towards the island without dying is more important than reaching the island at all. Louise has had graduated from her university in 2004 after pursuing her academic pursuit in Chiropractor and associated herself in a partnership firm in Birmingham before moving back to Hertfordshire and setting up Attend2Health in 2007. In 2019, she has bagged the Best Business Woman Award in Health and Wellness and also the Zenith Global Health Award. Attaching further to her accolades, she has also written a book on how to help eliminate low back pain. Louise spends 4 days a week at her clinic and invests her rest of the productive time frame on promoting the clinic activities, taking steps towards maintaining her health and safety measures and having an eye on the accounting books. It is often said that if you want to become a successful leader, then you will have to cut the pie yourselves. 40% of the time should be focused on the arena of time management revolving around ethics, character, principles, purpose, motivation, and conduct. Other than that, you need to invest the other 30% of the pie in managing the segments of authority that are lingering over you, the other 15% shall always be dived in to manage your peers who are working endlessly with you to step towards your mission and vision without minimalistic error for failure. In her last pearl of wisdom, Louise chalks out her blueprint to us by sharing her future vision that over the years, she is planning to expand the offerings on offer and adding 6 treatment rooms where she is marching ahead more towards being a patient-centric institution.