It is a smart thought to begin responding to the inquiry “How Does SAP Work?” with a dialog of what the parts of a SAP ERP framework are, the manner by which they are identified with one another, and what are their motivations. We should make reference to that, SAP ERP isn’t the main SAP programming segment. There are different business application parts, for example, Business Intelligence (BI), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In any case, in this article, we are going to concentrate on SAP ERP on the grounds that it is the essential segment and gives abilities to incorporating business information from other application parts.
- The Presentation Tier
The tier of presentation is ordinarily situated on PCs of business clients and gives the SAP Graphical Interface (SAP GUI). SAP GUI is a lightweight application that can be introduced on any PC running MS Windows or Mac OS and it gives the interface to correspondence between the client and the SAP ERP framework. Thus, the presentation tier is mainly responsible to showcase the interface that will be actually shown to the end users.
- The Application Tier
The application level is essentially the core of the SAP ERP framework. It executes the business rationale, in charge of preparing customer exchanges, print occupations, running reports, organizing access to the database, and interfacing with different applications. It is conceivable to circulate the application rationale between a few server machines in circumstances when the heap surpasses handling intensity of a solitary server. Therefore, it can be said that the application layer is responsible for developing all the vital business logical processes that will form the basis of all the operations in the SAP architecture.
- The Database Tier
The database is utilized for putting away two sorts of articles: the business-produced information and the SAP application programs. The business-produced information speaks to information objects made by clients as a component of different business forms. For example, deals requests or client ace records are delegated the business-created information. SAP application programs are schedules written in ABAP (extraordinary programming language utilized in SAP) that are stacked into the SAP application servers from the database at runtime.
It is conceivable to utilize databases from various merchants (for example, Oracle or Microsoft) and it is dependent upon the organization to choose which database seller to pick. As a rule, the database permit is incorporated into the cost of SAP. The database level has the most elevated prerequisites for accessibility, dependability, and execution in light of the fact that typically each SAP framework is sent on one database case. In this way, execution of the database level eventually decides the adaptability of the whole SAP ERP establishment.
Now that you are fully aware of all the important points about the SAP architecture and a basic idea of all the tiers that are useful in it for performing different functions.