MARCH 2020
The 10 Revolutionary Female CEOs to Watch out in 2020
On The Cover
Innovation is always a fascinating surprise especially when it involves some great technologies like artificial intelligence…

Spabreaks: Spabreaks Makes Luxuries a Way of Life
The thought of taking a relaxing day off and spending it at the spa

Caterina Berbenni-Rehm: Hard Work is a Virtue, Smart Work is a Talent
When you identify a way of performing a task with intellect over efforts, you

Marina Tognetti: Explore Your Path to Find your Adventure
An adventurous person at heart, Marina loved challenges in everything that she did. Her

Kristin Carrington: Managing Risks in a Creative Way
Carrington Risk Consulting is an outcome of the dream of a strong-willed businesswoman who

Mumzworld: Making Motherhood Wonderful with Mumzworld
Being a mother is the most wonderful feeling that every woman experiences in her

Sheri Atwood: Helping Parents Raise Happy & Healthy Children
There are over 298 Million parents globally who are raising their children in modern