July 2021 | Vol. 2
The Most Successful Business Leaders in 2021
On The Cover

Miki Peer: Transforming Technology with Passion and Excellence
The fire to follow your passion without losing hope even after some failures is one of the key traits of successful leaders. Miki Peer, Founder

Miki Peer: Transforming Technology with Passion and Excellence
The fire to follow your passion without losing hope even after some failures is one of the key traits of successful leaders. Miki Peer, Founder

Paul Cameron: Simplifying the Complexities of Technolog
The business world is highly competitive, and the road to success is riddled with

Omar Hammoud: Revolutionising wastewater community with APG-Neuros
To bring a change in a certain community and break the ongoing traditional shackles

Libelium: Inspiring new Trends in IoT Technology
With a diverse interest in every field she grew up as a multitalented kid

David Wachs: Backing up the art of letter writing with Handwrytten
Success resides in accomplishing the set goals and aims for higher heights. Being a

Martin Reniere: Helping Humanity with Artificial Intelligence
In the past few decades, technology has grown rapidly, but artificial intelligence, a branch

Ognjen Grba: A Visionary and Entrepreneur adding preventative safety in high-risk industries
Many entrepreneurs believe that passion drives everything you do, and if you don’t feel

Toby Ruckert: Transforming the IoT industry with UIB’s MSP APIs
Being a passionate leader, Toby Ruckert, Founder and CEO of UIB, is transforming human-to-machine

Simon Lajboschitz: Making a Difference in People’s Lives in VR/AR Landscape
AR and VR hold the power to push boundaries of human existence to the

Dr. Lars Olböter: Digitizing the IT Industry with B-rightsource
As the firm believer of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s saying, “Everyone still has enough