Christophe Van Steenwinkel: Turning Challenges into Opportunities to Build a Successful Outsourcing Business

Africa's 10 Most Empowering Business Leaders to Follow in 2024

Christophe Van Steenwinkel believes in exploring unfamiliar terrain and leaving a lasting impact through his vision, strategic decisions, and ability to turn challenges into opportunities. Nearshore Contact Partners, which he co-founded in 2018, is a testament to this approach. Although he initially knew little about Morocco, he still chose to establish the company there. Despite a competitive landscape and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, he has successfully built Nearshore Contact Partners, an outsourcing partner for businesses, into a formidable presence in the country.

Christophe considers himself a self-made entrepreneur who has navigated through the complexities of life by learning from both failures and successes. His inherent competitiveness and driven attitude set him apart from others. As a leader, he facilitates discussions and provides guidance. He empowers his team members to excel in their roles, ultimately driving the success of the organization as a whole.

From being an Average Student to Founding a Company

The young Christophe was not an exemplary student. The traditional educational system did not resonate with him. Fortunately, he encountered several individuals who played a pivotal role in his personal and professional development. “These mentors believed in my potential despite my lack of formal education and provided me with the time and opportunities necessary for my growth,” he says.

After gaining professional experience at a Belgian employer in Casablanca, Christophe felt it was time to plunge into entrepreneurship. A few years later, after meeting his current business partner, he co-founded Nearshore Contact Partners. He shares, “Together we found the missing link we had been looking for.”

Throughout his journey, Christophe has been determined to create opportunities for himself, even in the absence of formal qualifications. “For instance, I took the initiative to establish a business in Morocco, a country that was initially unfamiliar to me,” he points out. He believes this experience not only expanded his horizons but also allowed him to develop essential skills in entrepreneurship and adaptability.

Christophe does not fear challenges; he welcomes them. According to him, they are valuable stepping stones towards personal and professional development. He also believes in taking time to develop oneself and not worrying about things that are not happening at a faster pace.

“When I reflect on my professional journey today, I realize that I have become who I am because of my previous experiences,” Christophe says. “While I may have felt at the time that things were not progressing quickly enough, I must now acknowledge that this journey was essential.”

Achievement: Establishing Nearshore Contact Partners

In Morocco, Nearshore Contact Partners offers 24/7 inbound customer service, outbound telemarketing, and back-office and IT support. In a short time, it has gained the trust of businesses by demonstrating excellent professionalism. According to Christophe, the establishment of Nearshore Contact Partners in Morocco is a major achievement of his career.

“Establishing it in a country like Morocco, which was previously outside my direct experience, represents a noteworthy achievement,” he says. This accomplishment is even more impressive considering the presence of numerous established large call centers already operating in the region. Christophe explains that entering such a competitive landscape necessitated strategic planning and a clear understanding of both the market dynamics and the unique needs of their clients.

In the second year of running Nearshore Contact Partners, Christophe and his team faced multiple challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “They were particularly formidable,” he points out. They had to suddenly shift to remote work, which caused substantial operational hurdles. Christophe points out that the pandemic also tested their adaptability and resilience as an organization. “This period of uncertainty prompted us to reassess our business strategy and explore new avenues for growth,” he adds.

He and his team responded to challenges by making the strategic decision to open an additional office in Tangier, complementing their existing headquarters in Casablanca. Christophe explains that this expansion not only allowed them to diversify their operational capabilities but also positioned them to better serve their clients by tapping into the talent pool available in different regions of Morocco.

“By establishing a presence in Tangier, we aimed to enhance our service delivery and ensure continuity in our operations, thereby reinforcing our commitment to excellence in client support,” he says.

Through this experience, Christophe says that he has learned the importance of agility in business and the value of seizing opportunities, even in the face of adversity. “As we continue to grow, I’m confident that our proactive approach will enable us to thrive in the evolving landscape of the contact center industry,” he adds.

Responsibilities and Leadership Approach

As co-founder of Nearshore Contact Partners, Christophe oversees the daily management and strategic direction of the organization’s various departments. He considers himself fortunate to lead a highly skilled team, whose support he finds invaluable. “Each team member brings unique expertise and contributes significantly in their respective areas,” Christophe points out. He aims to serve as a reliable advisor for them, fostering an environment of collaboration and open communication.

“Today, we have a multitude of communication channels available, which significantly reduces the barriers to interaction,” he points out. He explains that it is essential not only to provide various communication tools but also to remain open to these interactions – this fosters a culture of collaboration and transparency. Christophe adds, “By actively encouraging open dialogue and feedback, we ensure that team members feel valued and heard.”

Additionally, he regularly conducts reviews, discussing tasks and outcomes with his supervisory teams. This enables them to identify areas for improvement and share best practices. Christophe explains that this collaborative approach allows them to work together effectively, ultimately striving for continuous enhancement of their service delivery and ensuring that they meet the evolving needs of their clients.

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a work-life balance can be challenging for anyone in a leadership position, especially for a co-founder of a growing organization. How does Christophe maintain that? He admits that this is an area he has personally grappled with for an extended period. It is mainly because he has an inherent tendency to maintain control over various aspects of his work.

“In the initial years of Nearshore Contact Partners, managing all facets of the company was relatively straightforward,” he recalls. However, according to him, as they have evolved into a more substantial organization – currently, employing approximately 100 employees across two locations – this approach has increasingly become a necessary, albeit challenging, reality.

To address this challenge, he has reflected on his own experiences, recognizing the value of mentorship. “Just as I benefited from the guidance of my mentors in the past, I have made it a priority to serve as a mentor for my staff-members,” Christophe explains. “This not only fosters their growth and development but also alleviates some of the burdens I carry in overseeing operations.”

Moreover, he considers himself fortunate to have his most loyal staff-member by my side – his wife. Christophe shares that she has been an unwavering source of support, stepping in to handle responsibilities in areas where he may not excel. “Her bravery and commitment have been instrumental in our journey, allowing us to navigate the complexities of running a growing business together,” he adds. “This collaborative approach has proven invaluable as we strive to maintain our company’s vision and ensure its continued success.”

Christophe has adopted six strategies to ensure that both he and his team maintain a healthy work-life balance. The first strategy is ‘setting boundaries.’ Nearshore Contact Partners encourages clear work hours and discourages after-hours communication.

The second strategy is ‘promoting flexibility.’ Christophe explains that they offer flexible work arrangements to accommodate personal needs. They also ‘encourage time off,’ emphasizing the importance of taking breaks and vacations. Another strategy is ‘fostering communication,’ where Christophe maintains an open-door policy for discussing workloads and challenges. In addition, he ‘prioritizes well-being,’ with the company supporting initiatives that promote mental and physical health.

Christophe also ‘leads by example,’ demonstrating effective time management and self-care practices to his team members. The sixth strategy he follows is ‘regular check-ins.’ He conducts one-on-ones to ensure team members feel supported. “These practices help create a supportive environment that balances productivity with personal well-being,” Christophe says.

Inherently Competitive and Driven

As he is inherently competitive and driven, Christophe has never relied heavily on external motivators to push him forward. He points out that this self-motivation may stem from a deep-seated desire to prove his capabilities, but it is equally rooted in his ability to maintain perspective in various situations.

“Throughout my journey, I have come to recognize that our potential as human beings is vast and often untapped,” he says.  “When we cultivate self-belief and harness our inner strengths, we can achieve remarkable feats.” This realization has shaped his approach to both personal and professional challenges.

Christophe firmly believes that the key to unlocking one’s capabilities lies in fostering confidence within oneself. He points out that by acknowledging one’s strengths and embracing one’s limitations, one can navigate obstacles with resilience and determination.

In a world that often emphasizes external validation, Christophe advocates for a shift toward internal motivation. He explains that this empowers individuals to take ownership of their journey and strive for excellence on their own terms. “Ultimately, this mindset not only enhances personal growth but also contributes to the collective success of any team or organization,” he adds.

Principles Guiding Leadership Style

For Christophe, honesty holds paramount importance in life. He explains that human beings are inherently emotional creatures, so it is only natural that their performance may fluctuate from day to day, influenced by a myriad of factors. According to him, recognizing this reality is essential for any organization aiming to foster an environment where individuals can thrive.

Christophe also believes that organizations must cultivate an atmosphere of understanding and empathy if they want to truly harness the potential of each team member. He points out that when leaders and colleagues acknowledge the human aspect of work, they pave the way for more meaningful and productive interactions. For him, this approach not only enhances individual well-being but also contributes to the overall effectiveness of the team.

“In my view, this commitment to honesty and openness is a sustainable framework for collaboration,” he says. “However, it is vital that this honesty is mutual; both leaders and employees must feel empowered to express their thoughts and feelings candidly.”

“By fostering a culture of reciprocal honesty, organizations can create a supportive environment that encourages growth, innovation, and lasting success,” he adds.

Contribution to the Future of Industry

Nearshore Contact Partners specializes in providing services in the Dutch/Flemish language. Christophe points out that this niche language often presents limited opportunities for major players in the industry compared to assignments in more widely spoken languages such as English or French.

Under his leadership, the company’s focus is on these specific projects. With their extensive expertise and know-how, they enable this niche market to benefit from outsourcing their customer service and other BPO services.

“Over the years, we have expanded our focus from the Belgian and Dutch markets to encompass the entire European market,” Christophe says. “Now, we are also open to managing global projects.”

He also notes that they are currently in an era where expectations are higher and time is more limited than ever. According to him, the emergence of AI poses substantial challenges for their industry. Christophe believes that the primary task ahead is to strike a balance between leveraging AI effectively and ensuring that end customers do not experience any disadvantages.

“However, on the other hand, AI also provides us with the opportunity to work more efficiently and cost-effectively,” he adds. “I am convinced that individuals still prefer human interaction over communication with machines.”

Advice for Aspiring Leaders

Christophe has a wealth of advice for aspiring leaders in the outsourcing industry.  His first advice is: to understand the industry. “It is important to stay informed about trends, client needs, and technology’s impact on outsourcing,” he says. He also encourages them to develop communication skills and build a network. “You must clearly convey ideas and actively listen to build trust and collaboration,” Christophe says. “Connect with industry professionals for insights and mentorship.”

Cultural awareness is another key aspect Christophe highlights. He tells aspiring leaders that respecting diverse cultures enhances teamwork and client relations. Continuous learning is also crucial in his view. “Stay updated on best practices and emerging technologies through ongoing education,” he advises.

Leadership by example is a principle Christophe strongly advocates. He encourages aspiring leaders to model integrity and a strong work ethic to inspire their teams. Additionally, he stresses the importance of innovation. “Foster a culture of creative problem-solving and openness to new ideas,” he suggests.

Christophe also points out that aspiring leaders need to prioritize client relationships. According to him, understanding client needs and providing exceptional service is fundamental to success in the outsourcing industry.

“Focusing on these areas can help you thrive in the outsourcing industry,” Christophe tells aspiring leaders.