Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy that begins with compliance. As individuals across the globe have had come together to practice social distancing norms and to battle against the mutant covid-19, health has been prisoned as a lock whose key is beheld by those who don’t break the norms and get themselves contaminated. In a metaphor, Nicole believes that success is discovering innovation to consume less water in the laundry in a safe and sustainable manner. Nicole Gibson is the inventor of Soka Australia which is a Brisbane-based registered organization continually thriving to adding its value incentivizing resources in the crisis of economy corresponding to health. What is better than washing your personal protection kit in a safe manner without having the fear to spread any variation of contamination intentionally or unintentionally? The Soka Tub as invented by Nicole has a primary usage for separately soaking soiled, colored, and delicate clothing in a separate chamber space that results in less consumption of detergent in multiple usages. Having no barrier of supply chain concerns inclining towards manufacturing and dispatching, the promotional value of being supported as a local business in a similar community has paved humanity in the most difficult times.
The enlightenment of challenge:
Commencing an entrepreneurial journey has one upbringing that enrolls you into a university that has no end to its course of learning. Upon seeking the methodologies adopted by Nicole which she has had utilized to duck the boulders in her entrepreneurial journey, she claims that it took her four years to imbibe the courage of winning against the beast. This new sun has now discoursed her with blessings of knowledge and unending innovations that she is now conjured to share with her colleagues that there are life-changing start-up ideas that just go to the grave without anyone to take action upon. In her pearl of wisdom, she exclaims that, If there is a hole in the market then that is a sign for you to go fill that hole with your business idea. Starting a business is one of the most intimidating breath, but in an instance, you are destined to pull the plunge. Once, Nicole was asked by her husband to minimize the wastage of water in the laundry sink and transform it into a more user-friendly manner for him to wash his hands while she was soaking her clothes. In the true entrepreneurial spirit, Nicole accepted the challenge of her contingent encounter and this led to her setting up a Brisbane-based company, Soka Australia, where she has had designed a water-saving laundry soaking system. This innovation had to be promising and simple at the same time and Nicole didn’t fail to stand on the expectations for the same. Her brisk to invent this innovation promised to resolve the most common laundry complaints of ever said by mums:
- Having a wasted laundry sink space.
- Dripping water to the machine after soaking.
- Using too much water in the sink for 1 item.
- Using too much laundry solution.
- Not being able to recycle that water easily.
- Not being able to rinse things when an item is soaking in the sink.
- Having a backlog of different stained items waiting for soaking.
- Reducing skin contact with dirty water.
- Eliminating the risk of children drowning.
The success boulders:
As a commencer of small business, it is imperative that success won’t knock at your door overnight. And if it seems as though it did, upon the binocular view, we would be able to discover that probably a huge pathway that will roll years of hard work would lead to a breakthrough. Upon seeking provocation encounters from Nicole, she exclaims that her biggest boulder has been manufacturing of per offerings. Due to several quality assurance failures, she has had to take brisk decisions in switching manufacturers but till she did, her networking became smooth and she at the end of the day, found a manufacturer who considered her vision on the same page of supporting local businesses and manufacturers.
The bag of accolades:
There is no mixture of spices or combination of sauces – nothing – nor wealth, success, accolades, or fame that is worth your investment on the ventures you never liked. The accolades, just like a beaten day with the scrapes and bruises on your mind, ultimately fades in the end and you would just be left with a melting question or contemplation. Should I have followed my ambition instead? That marks the commencement of the spiritual enlightenment through viability and making sense of what you are corresponding with what you intend to achieve. Upon discovering the accolades attached with the vision of Nicole’s organization, we learn that she has had bagged –
- Winner Women in Business Innovation 2019
- Winner TOP 10 Australian Women in Business 2020
- Cover of Inside Small Business Spring 2020
- Invited member of the Innovation development panel for South Brisbane 2020
- Ausmumpreneur Judge 2020
- Dual Ausumpreneur Awards – Silver 2018 Big Idea and Bronze 2019 Product Innovation
The life before:
Nicole has been ferocious since the early days of her career and has had envisioned a relentless motive to be a sport in whatever she invests herself in. She takes pride in sharing with us about her life before entrepreneurship happened to her. She has had her viability splitted in –
- Author parenting book
- Radio expert with own parenting segment
- Nurse educator
- Basketball coach and referee
Now is the right time:
If you challenge yourself to Imagine your business and you as a leader to become the ‘go-to‘ person in any of your entrepreneurship segments, you would discover yourself becoming a pioneer in initiating changing behaviors that are wanted and needed by the people you serve with your products and services. Nicole has the notion and strong belief for her success mantra that if you work smarter than harder, success will come to you as an inevitable dome. Along with mental health, she also stresses the positive impact of physical health and appeals for exercising at least for 20 minutes on a recurring basis.