Anthony E. Tuggle: Championing Innovation and Advocacy in Customer Operations and Beyond

The 10 Most Successful Black Leaders Making a Difference in 2024

Anthony E. Tuggle, President, Customer Operations at Afiniti, exemplifies how leadership can extend beyond traditional corporate roles to encompass broader societal impact. With a career that blends innovative strategies and a deep commitment to personal and community development, Anthony demonstrates how leading with purpose can drive both organizational success and meaningful change. His role at Afiniti reflects not only his expertise in expanding global operations and enhancing customer experiences but also his dedication to mentoring and advocacy.

From Customer Service to Transformative Leadership

Anthony’s career began humbly as a customer service representative in a contact center right after completing his undergraduate degree. His journey to becoming a transformative senior executive with over 25 years of experience took place within the largest global telecommunication and entertainment organization, AT&T (Fortune 10).

Widely recognized as a global leader in the telecommunications industry, Anthony has held a variety of senior leadership roles across marketing, product management and development, digital strategy, sales, customer care, global business operations, technology transformation, and people management. His diverse experience has cemented his reputation as a key figure in the industry.

In addition to his professional achievements, Anthony holds advanced educational qualifications: a BA in Psychology and an MS in Management from Thomas Edison State University, alumni status from Emory University’s Executive MBA program, and certification from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Executive Education Program. His extensive background and commitment to continuous learning have equipped him to lead Afiniti with vision and innovation.

Rooting Success in the Power of People

For Anthony, success is intrinsically linked to the potential of people. “Every definition of success should be deeply rooted in the power of PEOPLE,” he asserts.

Reflecting on historical milestones, Anthony emphasizes that landmark achievements are always driven by the efforts of individuals or collectives uniting around a common goal. His leadership philosophy centers on inspiring others to reach their greatest potential. He prioritizes positive change, mentorship, and development, helping others to realize their unique superpowers.

As a transformative leader, Anthony believes in preparing the future leaders of tomorrow. “They will continue to redefine success and elevate the bar of achievement,” he notes. His commitment to fostering growth and leadership ensures a lasting impact on the trajectory of success in his field.

“Know your SUPERPOWER.” – Anthony Tuggle

Embracing Innovation and Artificial Intelligence

Anthony finds inspiration in the transformative power of technology. “I am a firm believer in the power of automation, machine learning, digital strategy, and most notably Artificial Intelligence to transform any organization, product, or service — and create pathways to achieve limitless success,” he says.

Afiniti, a leader in applied AI solutions, uses patented pairing technology to connect customers with the best-suited contact center agents, resulting in positive and successful outcomes. Anthony’s decision to join Afiniti is driven by the company’s proven success. “My inspiration to partner with this firm is based on the proven success cases, multi-billion dollars in generated revenue for our clients, and the broad application across infinite verticals and industries in the global marketplace,” he explains.

By aligning with Afiniti, Anthony aims to harness AI’s potential to drive innovation and success across diverse sectors worldwide.

Overcoming Challenges: A Path to Strength and Growth

Anthony believes that challenges are essential for growth. “Wholeheartedly agree that challenges make you stronger,” he states, adding, “Tough times don’t always last, but STRONG individuals do!” He acknowledges that everyone faces their own challenges, but emphasizes the unmatched power of perseverance. “I emerge BETTER, NOT BITTER above all,” he declares. Anthony has authored a book with the same title, “I’m Better, not Bitter.”

A significant roadblock in Anthony’s career was navigating medical setbacks, culminating in a successful kidney transplant over 25 years ago. Balancing a thriving career as a young executive, family responsibilities, and a new medical reality, he remained optimistic and motivated. “This would be insurmountable for many,” Anthony reflects, but he saw it as an opportunity to redefine his life purpose.

He adopted a lifelong commitment to becoming the best version of himself and uplifting others. Anthony often quotes T.D. Jakes, saying “A setback is a setup for a comeback”. From that challenging period, he emerged with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for life.

“A setback is a setup for a comeback”- T.D. Jakes

Transforming Customer Relationships with AI

Afiniti stands as a leader in artificial intelligence, revolutionizing how enterprises develop relationships with their customers. By utilizing patented AI technology, Afiniti pairs participants in customer interactions based on their likelihood to interact well. This technology is employed globally across industries such as healthcare, telecommunications, travel, hospitality, insurance, and banking, enhancing multiple customer experience channels.

One of Afiniti’s premier service offerings, eXperienceAI, exemplifies this approach. “Powered by Afiniti’s unique real-time AI-driven optimization of every decision in your customer journey,” this service matches callers, agents, offers, channels, and incentives. This sophisticated pairing and optimization process delivers over $2.2 billion in annual customer value to enterprises worldwide, showcasing the profound impact of Afiniti’s technology on customer relationship management.

Leveraging Expertise to Propel Growth

Anthony’s extensive background in leading the largest global contact center operation, with over 30,000 employees across more than 200 locations, has significantly facilitated the growth and success of Afiniti. His leadership in generating multi-billion-dollar revenue, delivering top-tier customer satisfaction, and ensuring an industry-leading employee experience has been invaluable.

This experience has been crucial as Afiniti expands its internal operations, infrastructure, and capabilities. “My expertise previously leading the largest contact center operation globally yielded multi-billions in revenue realization while delivering best-in-class customer satisfaction and industry-leading employee experience,” he notes.

Externally, Anthony’s influence extends to Afiniti’s product development and emerging technology features, which are rapidly meeting the evolving needs of the contact center industry worldwide. His strategic insights and operational excellence continue to drive Afiniti’s success in the competitive AI solutions market.

Fostering a Culture of Integrity and Innovation

At Afiniti, a culture of integrity and innovation is ensured through a commitment to core values. “We are a diverse team united by our shared values: think big, work smart, build trust, be open, and spread joy,” Anthony explains. These values align with him personally and are brought to life through daily advocacy and leading by example.

Anthony emphasizes the importance of embodying these principles in every interaction. By consistently demonstrating these values, he fosters an environment where integrity and innovation thrive. This approach not only strengthens team cohesion but also drives Afiniti’s success in the competitive AI solutions market.

“No matter the situation, never let emotion overpower your intelligence.” – Jean Houston

Leading with Intent: Navigating Leadership as a Person of Color

Anthony acknowledges the challenges he has faced as a person of color in executive leadership roles at some of the largest global enterprises. “My difficulties in navigating executive leadership as a person of color are plentiful and longstanding,” he shares. Recognizing the reality of systemic bias has made him more thoughtful and aware of the challenges faced by people of color in the corporate arena.

He emphasizes that initiatives around diversity, inclusion, and equity, while powerful, can become mere symbols of change without true “Agents of Change” driving impactful action. For Anthony, impactful leadership starts with intent and being bold. “If we want to create pathways for the next generation of leaders, we must demonstrate leadership by being the catalyst for change,” he asserts.

Anthony believes those who have successfully ascended to leadership roles have a responsibility to the next generation. “When you’ve reached the top, send the elevator back down for the others,” he says. This commitment manifests in asking tough questions about the lack of diversity in hiring and promotions, establishing mentoring circles, and creating leadership development opportunities geared towards and led by people of color.

He also stresses the importance of being an example of excellence and sharing his experiences and best practices to help others succeed. “No matter the situation, never let emotion overpower your intelligence,” Anthony advises. He believes that change will not occur without intent and thoughtful action.

“When you’ve reached the top, send the elevator back down for the others.” – Edith Piaf

Authenticity as a Pillar of Leadership Recognition

Anthony believes that being the best version of oneself is essential for effective leadership. “The best version of ourselves is the ONLY version we should possess,” he states, emphasizing the importance of creating spaces where individuals can confidently and comfortably present themselves authentically. He considers this the responsibility of every servant leader.

The recognition that Anthony values the most revolves around his authenticity and the confidence he exudes in being true to himself. “People want to connect and engage with leaders they feel are true, transparent, and personable,” he notes. This authenticity not only enhances his leadership but also strengthens the bond with those who choose to follow him, making him a better leader overall.

Shaping the Future with AI and Omni-Channel Excellence

Anthony envisions a future where Afiniti fully harnesses the potential of artificial intelligence, generative AI (GenAI), and machine learning to revolutionize the global technology industry. “We are scratching the surface on truly understanding the power of artificial intelligence,” he observes. As an early adopter driving change, Afiniti is poised to expand AI-driven optimization beyond contact center operations.

Anthony’s plan includes focusing on areas such as retail, digital, and chat interactions, and enhancing customer experience across all product offerings. His goal is to improve the entire customer journey and deliver a seamless, omnichannel experience.

Furthermore, Anthony aims to fundamentally transform the experience of internal call-taking agents. By optimizing desktop tools, workflows, and performance metrics, Afiniti will enhance emotional intelligence (EQ) and employee satisfaction, ultimately reducing attrition and creating a more effective and engaged workforce.

Leading Global Operations and Balancing Excellence in All Areas

As President of Customer Operations at Afiniti, Anthony oversees the expansion of global contact center operations, accelerates business development, manages product deployment, and engages clients to generate multi-billion-dollar Customer Lifetime Revenue (CLR). His role encompasses a broad range of responsibilities aimed at driving growth and delivering exceptional service.

Anthony describes himself as a “TRAILBLAZER.” Maintaining a balance between personal and professional life is crucial for him. He views himself as a multifaceted individual who draws motivation from pursuing excellence in various areas simultaneously. “I’m not a believer in being secular; one can achieve work-life INTEGRATION by aligning your personal and professional goals,” he explains.

For Anthony, motivation stems from making significant strides in both personal and professional realms without compromising authenticity. By aligning personal and professional goals, he achieves seamless integration, bringing his true self to both environments. This approach not only maintains balance but also keeps his team motivated to deliver their best services.

Inspiring Leadership and Advocacy for Lasting Change

Anthony’s personal goals revolve around leading and inspiring others through mentorship, executive coaching, and both personal and professional development. “I aim to guide others to greatness,” he says, emphasizing his commitment to nurturing talent.

As a passionate activist within the Urban community, he remains dedicated to championing change in diversity, equity, and inclusion. “I continue to be a champion of change in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” he notes.

Additionally, as a kidney transplant recipient for over 25 years, Anthony advocates for increased awareness and resource improvement for those affected by kidney-related diseases and complications. He recently served as the immediate past Chairman of the Board for the National Kidney Foundation. “This is a lifelong initiative I will continue to promote,” he affirms, underlining his dedication to making a lasting impact in this area.


Anthony E. Tuggle’s journey highlights the powerful intersection of professional excellence and personal advocacy. His efforts at Afiniti showcase his ability to transform customer interactions and drive growth, while his commitment to diversity, equity, and health awareness underscores his broader vision for societal change. Anthony’s leadership not only shapes the future of his industry but also sets a standard for integrating personal values with professional achievements, leaving a legacy of inspiration and progress.