In this fast paced world wherein we are forced to live an unhealthy life amidst the junk food, sedentary jobs, lack of adequeate activity, maintaning a healthy lifestyle is a challenge. Unless we are staunch discplinarians it is a task to schedule a workout in our every day lives. With a view to change this perception, Christina Lelli, President of Figurella USA founded the company in 2011 to provide women with one on one interactive sessions on detoxification, nutrional consultations and health benefits. Cristiana was passionate about her desire to empower women and this passion seeded the innovative idea of fitness for women. Today, Figurella USA is running a successful franchising business across the globe with a motive of helping women lead a healthy life. We are privilged to have the opportunity of sharing a few inspiring insights from Cristiana herself, who has come a long way in her successful entrepreneurial journey.
- What were dreams and aspirations while growing up? What led to the foundation of Figurella?
My dream has always been to support and empower women. While growing up I wanted to become a doctor but I believe I have been lucky enough to find Figurella on my path and this led me to being able to give a different type of help but definitely combine my passion for health with my passion for women strength and empowerment. I am so pleased to introduce Figurella to American women seeking to improve their overall health and wellness.
- What led you into the franchise industry?
Me and my husband have been working in this project for almost 30 years now. After opening several locations in Italy and manage them for years we have noticed a very pleasurable results: our managers were so much into the business because of what it gives to your soul that wanted to buy the location. This showed us a beautiful type of business that fits perfectly with a women empowerment mentality. This gave us the motivation to franchise Figurella to women and/or families that want to put their passion into their investment.
- How is Figurella Doral and Figurella USA different?
Figurella USA is the master franchise and Figurella Doral is one of our locations. They all follow the same philosophy and method.
- What were the initial challenges and setbacks you faced in franchising? How did you overcome it?
Women are the most complicated human being in the world. We must be prepared to work with them. Life gets in the way and you must be ready and determined to be that one person in their life to keep them accountable to a healthy routine. With knowledge and showing love and care this obstacle makes the business unique, not replicable and amazingly rewarding.
- As a woman in this industry did you feel it was difficult to survive.
No, on the contrary. I always loved to work in a men’s world and show my strength obtained from my past.
- Is the franchise industry a common career path for women?
I believe women are embracing more and more their power and are taking decisions on their own, even in the investment field.
- How has franchising helped the growth of Figurella?
Figurella has been well known in Europe and South America for several years now. We have received surprising calls from previous users that has helped us spread the world out with pleasure. They truly believe in Figurella!
- Tell us in brief about the services of Figurella
Women begin the program by entering a temperature-controlled machine called the Bubble, which is warmed up to the natural body temperature of 98.6 degrees. A 30-minute series of personalized movements using 2-pound weighted pulleys target problem areas is performed to shrink fat cells while toning up. Our experts supervise you throughout the routine.
From the Bubble, client’s step into a detoxifying oxygen bath called the SpaShell, which accelerates fat-burning, improves circulation and rehydrates the skin.
Figurella’s main benefit though is the team that is always behind your back to keep you accountable and motivate you. Only being faithful to the method you could see quick and long-lasting results.
- What is the business growth strategy of Figurella? How do you define the growth of Figurella over the past few years? (Can be explained with statistical data too)
We have opened 7 locations in 5 years. More are yet to come! We are anyways being careful to the investor itself; we want the right person to be the face of our brand. New York and LA are our next targets.
- What is your vision for the company?
We are the only center in which you can get everything you need to achieve a healthy and fit body. Noninvasive technology, natural methods and real results. There is no real competitor for Figurella.
- Is the franchise industry a competitive one? How does Figurella deal with this competition?
See above.
- Give us a brief of your life before Figurella
Before Figurella I was into medicine and healing during my studies. Truly, this was a blessing and I have lived for this method since ever.
- Tell us about your roles and responsibilities as the President of Figurella and how does it make you feel?
I am proud of my position and of the work done in the last 30 years. I am the face of a company that I believe in, I support and I completely suggest to anybody that wants to work for it or be part of the program. This makes me go to work with a smile since the first day.
- What are your greatest achievements?
Several openings on our own and make the brand succeed in the USA.
- How do you manage to balance your personal and professional life? Describe yourself in one word and tell us what inspires you?
My life is dedicated to Figurella but me and my family always take time during the weekend and evenings to spend time together and do some group activities. Also, we are food and wine lovers, so we never miss one opportunity to reunite for a real-Italian dinner with friends! Part of the family is still in Italy therefore is also important to take some vacations to be all together and reconnect.
- What keeps you and your employees motivated?
Client’s results! This is the most valuable aspect…the smile on customers’ face!
- What does the future of Figurella look like, globally? How do you plan to widespread the company services in the franchise industry?
We are working on a great plan to put together the strengths from all the countries in which Figurella is structured and make the brand grow even faster!
Health is an asset, and Figurella is doing a wonderful job in spreading awareness about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As they steam ahead in the franchising industry, we are certian that Figurella will be a blessing to many more thousands across the world who savor the gift of good health.