From the Classroom to Campus: Andrew Eunson’s Evolution in Educational Leadership

Leadership in education is a demanding yet rewarding pursuit, requiring a blend of vision, adaptability, and a deep commitment to fostering the potential of others. Andrew Eunson’s career journey is a compelling example of how dedication to these principles can drive significant impact. From his early days teaching music at Toowoomba Grammar School to his current role overseeing the comprehensive student experience at King’s College, Andrew’s professional path underscores the evolving nature of leadership and the importance of continuous growth.

This article delves into Andrew’s career trajectory, leadership philosophy, and strategic initiatives at King’s College – a residential College within the University of Queensland, providing a comprehensive look at how one individual’s journey can illuminate broader trends in educational leadership.

From High School Teaching to Tertiary Leadership: A Journey of Dedication

Andrew’s passion for education was evident from a young age. “Teaching music while still in high school was a formative experience for me,” Andrew reflects. “It instilled in me a strong work ethic and a commitment to helping others reach their potential.” This early experience was a catalyst for Andrew’s future career, shaping his approach to leadership and education. Andrew Eunson’s career began in Toowoomba, teaching at various independent schools finally taking up a position at Toowoomba Grammar School in 2004 where he took on responsibilities for Woodwind and Band instruction. His tenure there was significant, as he was mentored by influential figures and gained firsthand experience in boarding school management. “It was during this period that I truly understood the value of a holistic educational experience,” Andrew explains. His eight-year stint at the school solidified his connection with the institution and laid the groundwork for his future endeavours.

Following his time at Toowoomba Grammar, Andrew’s career path was marked by a series of roles that combined teaching with active participation in the music scene. While earlier pursuing an undergraduate degree in music, he also co-founded a Big Band, performed in various jazz and ska bands, and held a casual teaching position at the University of Southern Queensland within its prestigious McGregor Summer School program. These experiences not only enriched his professional skill set but also deepened his understanding of educational dynamics in the tertiary sector. Along the professional learning journey, Andrew successfully undertook a Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching, a Master of Business Administration and is a Graduate and Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, as well as holding several professional memberships.

Andrew’s next role was as Director of Music at an independent P-12 school on the Sunshine Coast, where he made notable advancements in departmental and school operations. His multifaceted role eventually led to his position as Head of College Operations, a role he held until 2023. It was at this juncture that an opportunity arose at King’s College, prompting Andrew and his family to return to a residential environment.

Evolving Leadership Philosophy: Empowering Others

Andrew’s leadership philosophy has evolved over the years. Initially, his approach was more hands-on, “As I gained experience, I shifted towards a leadership style that emphasises enabling others and allowing them the autonomy to excel.” Andrew admits.

This evolution reflects a broader trend in leadership, where empowering others and fostering a collaborative environment has become central to success. Andrew’s current philosophy is framed around three key domains: leading self, leading others, and leading within context. “Each organisation is unique, and our leadership approach should adapt to fit its specific context,” he asserts. This adaptability is crucial in navigating the diverse challenges and opportunities that arise in educational settings.

Core values such as integrity, honesty, courage, respect, and loyalty guide Andrew’s decision-making process and is mirrored in the values of King’s College. “Integrity is at the core of my leadership approach,” he explains. “In every decision, I strive to do what I believe is right, balancing the needs of various stakeholders with a commitment to transparency and ethical conduct.” These values are not only central to his leadership style but also instrumental in managing the complex dynamics within educational institutions.

Strategic Initiatives at King’s College: Enhancing Student Engagement and Operational Efficiency

In his role as Deputy CEO at King’s College, Andrew is responsible for overseeing the comprehensive student experience and collaborating with executive management and staff to ensure the college’s success. His main responsibilities include managing the student experience for the 460 resident and associate members, working closely with student leaders to collectively oversee the successful day-to-day and strategic running of the College.

Andrew’s approach to enhancing student engagement involves a strong emphasis on feedback and data-driven decision-making. “We regularly gather feedback from students through in-person and digital means,” he says. “This data informs new programs and initiatives and helps us make knowledgeable decisions.” This focus on student voice is crucial for creating an environment where all students feel valued and heard.

Some of Andrew’s notable initiatives alongside other staff at King’s has been the implementation of a College Cultural Review in 2023 and the addition of leadership and mentorship programs for student leaders. “We have introduced key leadership and coaching opportunities to support our student leaders in managing change and engagement, some related to our recent cultural review” he explains. This initiative aims to provide students with the skills and support they need to thrive in their roles and contribute positively to the college community.

Another significant development under Andrew’s leadership was the overhaul of the student management system. “The new student portal has streamlined application and management processes, making it easier for students and staff alike,” Andrew notes.

This upgrade reflects Andrew’s commitment to improving operational efficiency and enhancing the overall student experience.

Balancing Admissions and Student Leadership: Creating a Cohesive Environment and Celebrating Achievement

Balancing the oversight of the College Admissions Office, alongside the leadership of the Student Leadership Team, is a multifaceted responsibility that Andrew navigates with remarkable skill. “Admissions and student leadership are intricately linked,” Andrew states, recognising the complex interplay between these two critical areas. “Ensuring that both areas are aligned with the college’s values and culture is crucial for creating a supportive and nurturing environment for students.” This delicate balance requires a keen understanding of how admissions policies and student leadership initiatives impact one another, and Andrew excels at integrating these aspects to foster a harmonious and enriching atmosphere at the college.

Andrew places great emphasis on the importance of understanding and respecting cultural expectations, ensuring that new students have the toolkit to best prepare for the college’s established traditions and ethos. “We work closely with our student leaders to support new students through their transition,” he explains, highlighting the collaborative efforts by all involved. “Our goal is to ensure that their journey is one that is memorable and comfortable as they join the King’s community and culture.”

This proactive and inclusive approach facilitates a smooth adjustment for newcomers, while simultaneously reinforcing the college’s values among the existing student body. By prioritising this alignment and maintaining open lines of communication between admissions and student leadership, Andrew and the team help to cultivate a cohesive and supportive environment that benefits all students, setting the stage for their success and wellbeing throughout their academic journey.

Overcoming Challenges and Balancing Professional and Personal Life

Throughout his career, Andrew has faced several challenges, including balancing family commitments with professional responsibilities. “Living and working at King’s College has allowed me to better manage this balance,” Andrew notes. “The residential setting provides a level of convenience that helps us maintain a healthy work-life balance.”

Navigating the delicate balance between demanding professional responsibilities and a fulfilling personal life is a challenge that Andrew Eunson manages with a thoughtful and strategic approach. “Living on campus provides a unique balance between work and personal life,” Andrew explains. This arrangement allows him to integrate his professional duties with personal responsibilities more seamlessly than if he were commuting. The proximity of his home to his workplace not only reduces the stress of daily travel but also fosters a more harmonious blend of work and personal life, creating a stable environment where both spheres can coexist effectively.

Andrew’s family plays an integral role in maintaining this balance. His wife, Chelsey, who also works in education, understands the nuances and time constraints associated with their careers. “We try to prioritise family activities and enjoy water sports and outdoor adventures together,” he says, noting the importance of shared experiences in sustaining their personal wellbeing.

Another challenge Andrew has navigated is the pursuit of lifelong learning amidst a busy career. “Finding time for personal and professional growth can be challenging,” he admits. “However, I am committed to continuous learning and seek ways to integrate it into my life.” Ultimately, as a C-suite professional, the ultimate challenge is finding balance across all aspects of professional and personal life.

Among Andrew’s key achievements are his contributions to the Anglican Schools’ Music Festival and his work with the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service. “Founding the music festival was a proud moment for me,” he says. “It’s rewarding to see it continue to make an impact today in the lives of hundreds of young musicians.” His involvement with the Fire and Rescue Service has also been a significant achievement, demonstrating his dedication to community service.

At King’s College, Andrew takes pride in supporting students in their academic, cultural, and personal development. “Providing a holistic educational experience is something I am passionate about,” he says. “Seeing students thrive and grow within our community is incredibly rewarding.”

Innovative Practices and Staying Current

Andrew has introduced several innovative practices at King’s College to improve the student experience and operational efficiency. One such initiative is involving student membership in key committees, as well as setting up student leadership conversations with other colleges, which fosters a sense of ownership. “Empowering students to take on leadership roles within the college helps them develop valuable skills and strengthens our community,” Andrew explains.

The addition of a college fire pit in 2024 has been another initiative, promoting informal gatherings and conversations among students. “Creating spaces for students to connect and build friendships is important for their overall wellbeing,” Andrew notes.

To stay current with the latest trends and advancements in education, Andrew regularly engages in reading and professional development. “Keeping up with research, legislative changes, and new ideas is essential,” he says. “I also value input from our student leaders and staff to ensure that our initiatives are relevant and effective.” King’s affiliation with The University of Queensland provides additional opportunities for alignment with cutting-edge developments in education.

Essential Wisdom for Future Educational Leaders

For those aspiring to lead in the educational sector, Andrew Eunson offers insightful and practical advice drawn from his extensive career. “Good ideas take time to implement,” he notes, stressing the importance of patience and meticulous planning in the journey towards successful execution. Andrew believes that transformative initiatives require a well-thought-out strategy and sufficient time to take root. “Be patient and plan carefully to ensure success,” he advises, emphasizing that thoughtful preparation is essential for realizing ambitious goals.

Andrew also speaks to the significance of understanding the existing organizational culture and soliciting feedback from stakeholders. “Understanding why things are done a certain way and creating a compelling reason for change are key to making a significant impact,” he explains. This involves not only recognizing the established norms and practices but also crafting a persuasive narrative that justifies and drives the need for change. By aligning new initiatives with the organization’s values and addressing any resistance through effective communication, leaders can foster an environment conducive to progress.

Lastly, Andrew encourages aspiring leaders to trust their vision while cultivating enthusiasm for change among their colleagues. “Create a reason for change that inspires others to join you,” he suggests. “Effective leadership involves not only having a vision but also the ability to rally others around it.” This approach requires leaders to inspire and motivate their teams, ensuring that the vision is shared and embraced collectively. Andrew’s advice highlights the dual role of educational leaders as both visionaries and motivators, essential for driving meaningful and sustainable improvements in their institutions.


Andrew Eunson’s career journey is a testament to the power of dedicated leadership and the continuous pursuit of personal and professional growth. From his early teaching roles to his current position at King’s College, Andrew has demonstrated a commitment to fostering potential, embracing innovation, and navigating the complexities of educational leadership. His approach to leadership, grounded in core values and a focus on empowering others, serves as an inspiring model for aspiring leaders. As Andrew continues to shape the future of education, his story highlights the impact that thoughtful, values-driven leadership can have on both individuals and institutions.