Sunil Sharma, CEO of HawksCode, believes that there is no shortcut formula for success, and even if you achieve what you started for, you aim for more. One should never settle for after achieving a single goal and aim towards progressing forward. Once a goal is achieved, a person should aim higher and keep on moving up.
Journey to success
Sunil was always into e-learning. He loved technology and focused on providing education to all the places wherever it is believed that it is a luxury. He believes that everyone should have the opportunity and relevant resources to get themselves proper education. To fill true colors into his aim, he founded HawksCode.
HawksCode has the vision to be a global leader delivering software solutions in every corner of the world, creating software and online solutions that transform ideas into reality and making our customers fully satisfied with our exceptional quality work, and delivering unprecedented business value with customization.
He adds, “HawksCode came into existence with the vision to make & bring technology and IT solutions to everyone’s reach effectively, efficiently and affordably with standardized practices.”
Hurdles along the way
Despite the bright and encouraging facets of the software industry, certain areas of concern need to be given the desired attention and weightage.
The shortage of skilled employees is a daunting problem affecting the software industry. There is a growing demand for skilled employees in the software industry. Even though the country is known for its human resource for the IT industry the world over, it has been struggling hard to meet the growing demand for IT professionals.
Added to this, the problem of migration of knowledge workers to developed countries in search of greener pastures makes things worse. Demand for Indian software professionals is increasing day by day in developed countries. They attract Indian professionals by paying higher salaries and providing them with Green cards.
Low diffusion of information technology in the domestic market, i.e., weak domestic software market, is a matter of serious concern for India. While software export is growing very fast, domestic software could not pace with software export.
Sunil mentions that while stepping into the IT domain, everyone has to face these problems. However, working closely with the stakeholders of the company, trusting the employees, and looking and watching out for ways for how the problem can be solved, is the best way to tackle these issues.
He adds, “Apart from these solutions, as far as our journey of HawksCode is concerned, we are on the track of what and where we perceived ourselves years back. We are pacing in that direction for it.”
Serving clients with better products
HawksCode, delivers a plethora of services, with all web-based solutions. Sunil mentions, “Our customers trust us with their acute business challenges, and it is our core responsibility to ensure the successful execution of our solutions. We believe in devising path-breaking software development solutions to help organizations meet their current and future needs to prepare them for tomorrow.”
The major products designed and developed by HawksCode are EasyShiksha, The National TV, RTOMaster, HRCrux, MoonDela.
He states that as technology is spreading its roots in every aspect of the corporate market, the need to provide high-quality solutions is now a basic necessity rather than a luxury.
HawksCode believes in serving the world to every extent. For the same, the company believes in being up to the mark and upgrading the skills and knowledge base for all its employees so they can serve in every regard to the requirements of the complex societies.
With digitalization entering every field, the responsibility of mavericks increases to cut out the extra hocus-pocus and confusion in the sector. Hence, HawksCode looks for every new opportunity to learn and stays at the forefront of the industry to create better results for the customers.
He mentions, “HawksCode is a global IT firm delivering solutions to enterprises/organizations worldwide. We have successfully established our prowess in Application Software and E-Business. We have inculcated advanced approaches of Project Management, Business Process, Analysis, Outsourcing, etc., in our world-class services.”
HawksCode has a dominant standard in the IT industry. From scheming to venture dispensation, cross-examination, and undertaking technological innovation, they have raised the bar of outsourcing and service-providing IT firms/industries. The in-house team has accurate expertise in all ventures and associative themes.
Staying ahead of the curve
HawksCode uses the combination of marketing and brand strategy tools and techniques to serve mobile app and web services based on our research to refine user experience and relatively targeted audience.
Sunil states, “Our passion is to make the business grow using a digital marketing campaign as well as the highly functional and innovative design of a website and mobile application & other custom software. We at HawksCode are truly passionate about creative product design.”
The company is a well-equipped and renowned outsourcing company in India that provides successful solutions for multifarious business problems of Information & technology with utmost professionalism.
The team stays in touch with the latest trends and infuses their power to offer high-quality solutions to their clients. With a strong support network, they back up their client in every situation.
On top of that, they treat customers as their partners. Sunil adds, “We charge the customer in a palatable way. We create a win-win between operational savings and value-added services.”
Life as the CEO of the company
Being a creative and innovative professional, Sunil is fueling the growth of different start-ups. He adds, “I consider myself a ‘tech-pundit’ driven by social change who has a deep understanding of the levers of revenue growth, from picking up the phone to closing a deal, to full-funnel digital acquisition, to building amazing products.”
As a successful leader, he feels responsible for the future generation of the country. He wants to facilitate and make every resource available and accessible to everyone in the length and breadth of the nation.
He understands the value of his powerful team and regards every team member as his family. To keep the morale high, everyone helps each other to grow and create better results. He expresses, “Motivation comes with a major question in mind, before starting a task, that is, ‘why I should do this particular task,’ and ‘what is at stake if I do not perform it up to my best level.’ All my employees are also very experienced and thus have a huge responsibility on their shoulders.”
He urges aspiring business leaders to lead by example. He stresses the point by quoting, “Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire. Work will not happen while dreaming about it, but after doing and taking steps in that direction.”
Future prospects
It is expected that the rate of flow of work to India through offshoring and within would increase considerably in the context of Digital economy initiatives by the Government and mounting pressure on developed countries and global majors to resort to further cost-cutting.
The company is satisfying the customers on all fronts and will focus on retaining the same level in the coming years.