For Adam Alfi, success is very subjective because the measure of success differs from person to person.
Some people see success as a moving target and one that is constantly evolving, but for Adam, Founder and, CEO of EffVision Business Solutions, success is defined as having a positive impact on the people around you and being satisfied by giving your best.
Adam explains: “If I am helping and enriching people, I have succeeded. Some may say I already am, but to me, I can always do more.
“One thing is for sure – I will always keep trying! I think success is also that feeling of satisfaction, knowing that you and your team, no matter the size, are working to their maximum potential and trying to ‘achieve’ each day.”
Journey to success
Adam began his working career as a software developer and then moved to finance, where he worked for a Wall Street firm for a few years. When the economy took a downturn, he moved into the technology industry, which felt much more natural to him.
He then picked up where he left off with software development and eventually moved into Program Management and Solution Architecture.
As he climbed the ladder of success, he noticed a gap in the market for proper client-oriented services. He realized the huge gap in the IT sector when it came down to humanizing technology.
Adam reflects: “We all want to be digital, and that’s a great thing, but many leaders forget that the end-user is a person, not a number, or a dollar figure.”
Moreover, he was also shocked by the way some employees were treated in the market by the senior management and leaders.
He explains: “Much like the end-user, employees are people with lives that vastly differ from mine. I wanted to build a culture that fostered understanding and compassion, while still expecting commitment and dedication to the work.”
From the need to provide better service and a more human element to IT and a place for the employees to feel valued, he marked the dawn of EffVision Business Solutions.
His aim was a tough one to chase, but he backed up his skills and capabilities and filled true colors in them.
Adam says: “I am lucky to have the team I have. Some call it skill. I call it pure luck and intuition that I was able to find and hire a core team (most of them still with us) that really gave me a solid foundation to build and grow. I say this with great respect to all teams out there, but I honestly think I have the best team in the world. From there, the luck continued, and as a small business, we all came together very nicely, and that helped me push as hard as I can to never disappoint the team. The fuel and motivation are what propelled us to be where we are today.
Growing stronger with the challenges
Adam believes a person does not appreciate victory unless one has experienced defeat.
He adds: “I learn more from the roadblocks and incorrect decisions than I ever learn from successful projects and strategies. Challenges are incredibly necessary for growth. A muscle grows from being torn apart and put together again stronger. A business is the exact same way. Not seeking challenges and not seeking what is more difficult to attain, is a major roadblock for any professional growth.”
He feels it important to test the capabilities and embrace the changes that come with challenges.
As he moved further in his career, he noticed some clients were hesitant to change some aspects. They believe in an old notion stating, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” However, it saddened him, as he knows that it is necessary to evolve change and adapt, so that he doesn’t risk falling behind the competition.
Nevertheless, he stood firm on his beliefs and managed to show the clients the perks of evolving, and steered his business and his clients on the right path.
He thinks challenges are bound to come on the way, but it is important to tackle them with a positive attitude. He adds: “While failure should never define who you are, how you deal with failure and the adjustments you make from it should be your legacy. Everyone gets knocked down at some point, it’s how you respond that matters!”
Overview of EffVision Business Solutions services
At EffVision (EV), the team provides IT and technical services and products that range from helping startups all the way to the enterprise level. They offer Managed IT Services where they can be as small as a remote helpdesk agent assisting on a ticket basis, to a fully-fledged IT department for the client’s company.
They also develop state-of-the-art web applications and web services in addition to custom-built applications and ERP solutions.
They have a fantastic design and marketing department as well, where they can develop and execute strategies for content creation, content management, as well providing roadmaps for Digital Transformation.
In short, they are a one-stop-shop for IT services. They are fortunate enough to be a Microsoft Gold partner and a strategic and technical partner with ERP tools like Dynamics and Odoo. They specialize in enterprise CMS tools like Crownpeak and Adobe, amongst many others.
They also partner with one of the largest software vendors in the world, SoftwareOne, which enables them to reach out and help so many, whether they be local or dotted across the globe.
Adam states: “While we are a global company with locations in a few countries, we still maintain the boutique nature of who we are. This keeps all of us as close to the end-user as possible. We aim to give our clients and partners as much attention as possible. It keeps all of us honest.”
Redefining business solutions and applications with EffVision Business Solutions
Seeing the industry change over 30 years, Adam led his team to evolve with it. He explains that it was the essential step to take: “We, as a company, began as a small web design and development shop and once we started hearing our client stories and how they were challenged, we knew that we could offer more, and so, we did. But we changed primarily because the industry changed, and we wanted to keep up.”
The team understands their work and role and knows that their work holds value and is important for their clients.
Adam continues: “We take on the jobs and projects that we believe in, and our values are reflected in our output. We approach all our work as a pillar of change. We aim to separate ourselves from other IT companies by offering our customers everything that may fall under the umbrella of IT.
“We see ourselves as a partner that is responsible for IT and Digital Transformation. We have some of the best and most experienced executives in our corner, which keeps us ahead of the competition with regard to innovative solutions and business applications.”
Growth Roadmap under Adam’s Leadership
Adam believes in relying on strong core values for fulfilling their commitment to helping others. Valuing clients more than the competitors differentiates them and makes them more trustworthy and, as a result, helps their communities grow.
He says: “There’s a variety to how we offer our services. For example, we help startups, non-profits and, midsize companies alike, and we feel that as our clients and partners grow, we will grow with them.”
Over the years, Adam and his team have continuously worked hard in achieving their success and owing to this reason, they have gained a good ranking, and their efforts have paid off well too.
This has also brought a big smile on their faces and great satisfaction to their hearts. Now, whenever they see their clients grab a big contract under their guidance, or a local shop’s ability to expand and open another location because of their well-structured IT strategy, they feel gratified to drive more foot traffic and boost their revenue tremendously.
Adam shares the simple vision of driving innovation, overcoming challenges, and enforcing learning. He says: “We insist on enrolling team members in technical and management classes, so everyone develops on numerous fronts, and we will continue to do this. We are motivated by the success of our clients and partners and, as they grow, we grow.”
Adam proudly shares the company’s growth in the last 6-7 years, where he has grown from a 4-members staff team to a 70-members team based around the world.
He adds: “Becoming a global small business was one of my proudest yet hardest moments! Making that international move has been a challenge, but we made it happen.”
Striving hard to steer the company ahead
As the CEO of EffVision Business Solutions, Adam has a multi-faceted role to play. From running all the everyday company operations, sales and, large-scale projects, through to development – he is proficient in handling everything without any hassle.
He normally begins his working day early, at around 5 am, to kickstart work with the global teams and then moves to work on a regular day. To keep his body and mind recharged, he has a habit of turning off all his electronics after 6 pm. However, in case of any scheduled product launch or international call, he may keep them on. Being an unabridged leader, he is well-equipped with all the necessary skills to keep moving ahead with his motivated team.
On advising young IT entrepreneurs, he states: “It’s about being passionate, helping people and really believing in what you do. Be prepared to put the long days in and if you fail, which you will from time to time, get back up and keep going. Businesses don’t grow by getting it right all the time, but it’s how you react. Your response to a setback will define you and your company.”
Bright Expansion Plans for EffVision Business Solutions
Since last year, the COVID-19 pandemic presented the opportunity to do an internal audit and analyze their company’s vision as per the remaining parts of the world.
He happily shares the good news and says: “I am delighted that we made some adjustments, but we are going to try and seize the opportunity and expand our global reach.” Adam aims to expand to new locations in the next 18 months, namely, the EU zone, UK, and The United Arab Emirates.
All these three locations have emerged as the top markets from the pandemic, and even EffVision Business Solutions wants to make a mark on the world at this time. Based on their core values, they look forward to helping all their clients grow without any unrealistic budget or expectation.