John Campbell: Visionary Leader Committed to Innovation and Customer-Centric Solutions in TICC Services

The 10 Most Innovative CEOs to Watch in 2024

John Campbell serves as the Group Chief Executive Officer of the BES Group, where he leads the organisation with a focus on innovation, customer-centric solutions, and sustainable growth. With extensive senior leadership experience across industries, John is committed to cultivate strong relationships with stakeholders and driving the company’s strategic vision forward.

A Journey of Leadership and Adaptation Across Industries

John began his career at 21, leading a team in a FTSE 100 telecom organisation, which shaped his leadership skills. He progressed rapidly through operational and financial roles, becoming Commercial Director of a logistics company with 6,000 employees by age 27 and CEO of a local government council by 35. His experience includes high-level positions at Fortune 500 companies like Teletech and Brinks, managing significant operations in the UK and Ireland.

In 2019, John joined Private Equity with TDR Capital, leading Algeco’s UK and Ireland business as Group Managing Director, successfully turning it around for a $5 billion sale to Brookfield in 2022. Now, as Group CEO of BES Group, part of Inflexion’s portfolio, he sees substantial potential for global expansion.

John emphasises the importance of setting clear goals for personal and business success, stating that “clear strategy and goals provide clear company direction.” Continuous learning is vital, reflected in his nine advanced qualifications, including an MBA and a Masters in HR. He encourages seeking feedback and building a strong network to unlock opportunities. In today’s competitive landscape, John stresses adaptability and resilience, urging others to “learn from mistakes” and maintain a positive attitude.

Rapid Growth and Strategic Expansion Define Success

John considers the rapid and profitable growth of BES Group over the past year and a half his most significant achievement. He notes that in his first fully year the organisation had a 57 percent increase in top-line revenue and a 32 percent boost in the bottom line, with 20 percent of that growth being organic. “The team and I are very proud of how quickly we have grown the business,” he shares.

This success stems from the team’s relentless focus on delivering high-quality solutions, which has strengthened client relationships and enhanced revenue through cross-selling, establishing BES Group as a trusted advisor. John is also proud of the 10 acquisitions completed during this period, all seamlessly integrated into the group. “This shows a sustainable buy-and-build model as we look at international expansion,” he states, aligning with his vision for the company’s continued global growth.

“Being a disrupter in the marketplace is critical to our growth strategy, doing it the way others have done it, is not always the answer. Innovation and creativity are essential.”

Empowerment and Purpose-Driven Leadership at the Core

John’s leadership style is anchored in key principles that drive success. Central to his approach is empowering colleagues to take responsibility for decision-making while he retains overall accountability. “Liberating your colleagues to make decisions is crucial,” he emphasises, highlighting the importance of cultivating independence within the team.

Supporting his team through both good and challenging times is another cornerstone of his leadership. John believes that true leadership shines through when guiding and encouraging others, regardless of the circumstances. He views achieving purpose as the ultimate measure of leadership, focusing on translating strategy and objectives into reality. “The capability to achieve purpose is what defines great leadership,” he states.

John is committed to developing and coaching his team and mentoring associates for their current and future roles. “Guiding teammates for both now and the future is vital,” he notes. Above all, he prioritises being customer-obsessed, believing this focus must permeate the organisation. “This focus on customers filters down across the organisation, and becomes ingrained in the business,” he explains, underlining its importance at BES Group.

Finding Balance Through Family Support and Personal Time

For John, managing work-life integration as Group CEO revolves around his supportive family and making the most of weekends together. “I have a very supportive family,” he emphasises, highlighting the importance of weekends given his frequent weekday travel.

A key strategy for achieving this balance is spending time at the family’s holiday home on the beach in Ireland, which allows him to disconnect from work and focus on his personal life. However, he acknowledges that even during these moments, “you are always on point.”

John believes that achieving balance is highly personal. “It’s about getting the right balance that suits you as an individual,” he reflects, noting that there is no universal answer—only what works best for oneself and loved ones.

Cultivating a Purpose-Driven Culture Amid Growth

The most challenging aspect of John’s role at BES Group has been cultivating a culture that aligns with the company’s ambitious growth objectives. He has dedicated significant time to embedding the vision — “Together, we create and deliver trusted sustainable customer solutions” — and the mission of becoming a market leader in asset integrity in the UK and Ireland.

John identifies four key cultural themes central to this effort:

  • Customer Obsession: This is John’s highest priority. He emphasises, “Understanding, meeting, and exceeding the needs and expectations of our customers is crucial,” integrating customer perspectives into all operations.
  • Trusted Advisor: BES Group aims to build deep advisory relationships with clients beyond transactions. “We are relied upon for our expertise, integrity, and genuine concern for the customer’s best interests,” John notes.
  • Sustainability: Meeting present needs without compromising future generations is vital. John highlights their SBTi targets and that nearly 70 percent of their solutions are identified as “sustainability solutions.”
  • Technology: John views technology as a key differentiator in the testing, inspection, certification and compliance (TICC) sector. He states, “We have acquired several technology-based businesses and developed tech solutions to grow the business.”

By embedding these cultural themes into the fabric of BES Group, John ensures they support the company’s long-term vision and mission.

“Customer obsessiveness is fundamental to the culture of our organisation, so we empower our people to be trusted advisors, to allow that to happen.”

Global Expansion, Technological Innovation, and ESG Leadership

John’s strategic priorities for BES Group focus on international expansion, technology, and ESG leadership. He aims to leverage the company’s expertise to grow in Europe and North America, noting, “This is really exciting for us as we see significant headroom for substantial growth.”

Technology will serve as a unique selling proposition (USP) in the testing, inspection, certification, and compliance (TICC) sector. John emphasises its role as a disruptor, allowing BES Group to offer enhanced solutions quickly and competitively: “This is an area of real future focus for us as a Group.”

BES Group is also committed to ESG leadership, reflecting its responsibilities as an employer and service provider. John expresses pride in the company’s progress toward sustainability.

His vision is clear: “The Group’s key purpose is to create and deliver sustainable solutions as a trusted advisor,” with targets of £100 million EBITA by 2028 and £200 million by 2032, driven by organic growth and strategic mergers and acquisitions.

Maintaining Strong Relationships with External Partners

BES Group prioritises collaborative relationships with all stakeholders, recognising that these partnerships are crucial for success. By working closely with owners, suppliers, and customers, the company cultivates an environment of mutual support and trust.

The relationship with Inflexion, BES Group’s owners, is fundamental to its strategic direction. “Inflexion fully supports our strategic goals, enabling us to align our vision with their investment strategy,” John notes. This collaboration ensures the company is on a path to sustainable growth and innovation.

BES Group employs a win-win relationship model with suppliers, enhancing supply chain efficiency and promoting long-term partnerships. Close ties with customers are also vital, with John emphasising regular communication: “We have monthly meetings and quarterly strategic workshops with our top customers to continuously develop our offerings.”

At the core of these relationships is a commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. John proudly shares that BES Group ranked second in an annual ESG assessment among Inflexion’s 52 portfolio companies, stating, “ESG is crucial for our organisation and our stakeholders.”

By cultivating strong relationships with external partners, BES Group enhances its operational capabilities and solidifies its position as a responsible leader in the industry.

“BES Group takes our ESG responsibility as both an employer and leading TICC solutions provider very seriously, by ensuring we leave a better world than we found.”

Cultivating Innovation and Driving Growth through Collaboration and Technology

John cultivates innovation at BES Group by promoting a culture of disruption and encouraging bold thinking. An employee ideas scheme has led to valuable contributions, highlighting that “some of our best ideas come from employees who interact directly with customers.”

Cross-collaboration between divisions enhances innovation, as seen in a recent project where asset reliability and infrastructure teams developed a solution integrating technology with physical inspections.

Customer feedback is vital, with strategic sessions providing insights into market needs. John emphasises that “an innovation culture is driven by the executive leadership,” which inspires initiatives like a national engineering team and a training strategy for multi-skilled engineers.

The in-house data analytics team identifies opportunities for disruptive technology projects, while recent acquisitions in remote diagnostics support BES Group’s innovative goals. By adopting best practices from various sectors, John ensures that innovation is a comprehensive effort across the organisation, driving organic growth and strategic acquisitions.

Building Trust and Leading with Integrity: Keys to Team Success

John credits the success of his senior leadership team to strong, trust-based relationships cultivated over time. Many team members have worked with him across various organisations, cultivating mutual respect. “We challenge strongly, but when a decision is reached, everyone gets behind it,” he emphasises, underscoring the importance of unity.

When selecting team members, John prioritises traits such as responsibility, working hard, support during challenges, and the ability to translate strategy into actionable results. He seeks leaders dedicated to mentoring their teams while keeping a strong focus on customer needs. For John, these qualities are crucial for effective leadership and building a cohesive team that drives organisational success.

Navigating the Path to Leadership: Key Advice for Aspiring CEOs

John advises aspiring CEOs and senior leaders to focus on several key areas. “Set clear goals for both yourself and your business,” he states, emphasising that defined objectives provide strategic direction and a way to measure progress.

Continuous learning is fundamental to his approach; John, who holds nine advanced qualifications, including an MBA, asserts, “Staying updated with the latest trends, technologies, and skills is vital.” He also stresses the importance of seeking feedback from peers and mentors. “Building a strong network can open doors to new opportunities,” he adds.

Adaptability is crucial in today’s competitive landscape, and he encourages future leaders to remain flexible. Finally, John highlights resilience: “We all face setbacks and failures,” viewing them as growth opportunities. Maintaining a positive attitude is essential for overcoming challenges. His personal mantra sums up his advice: “Work hard, stay humble, and achieve purpose.”

Future Trends in Risk Management and BES Group’s Strategic Response

John identifies several key trends shaping the future of the Testing, Inspection, Certification, and Compliance (TICC) sector, with BES Group proactively adapting to thrive in this evolving landscape.

He emphasises the growing role of technology, stating, “Technology will allow organisations to augment their existing solutions and provide more robust support to their customers.” BES Group is leveraging technological advancements to enhance service offerings and position itself as a leader in innovative risk management solutions.

The tightening of industrial and governmental regulations globally presents both challenges and opportunities. “Increased regulation will raise the demand for risk management services,” John explains. To meet this demand, BES Group is deepening its expertise in regulatory compliance and strengthening its advisory capabilities.

John predicts a heightened focus on extending asset life cycles due to tighter budgets. “As funding becomes more constrained, the need to secure longer life cycles for assets will be crucial,” he notes. BES Group aims to support clients in maximising the longevity and efficiency of their assets.

Through these strategic focuses, BES Group seeks to stay ahead of industry trends and continue delivering value to clients in a complex, regulated environment.

“Technology will never replace our fantastic people, but in their hands will augment and enhance the solutions we provide.”

Major Influences on the Leadership Journey

John’s aspirations were shaped by his father, a dedicated farmer who built a successful business and contributed to the local community. This instilled in John the importance of leadership that supports and uplifts others.

In business, John is inspired by Jeff Bezos for his ability to adapt to customer needs and leverage technology. “Bezos is a visionary leader who anticipates market trends,” John notes, valuing his focus on customer satisfaction and long-term growth.

He also admires Michael Jordan for his tenacity and work ethic, particularly as a former basketball player. “Jordan drove himself and his team to achieve purpose,” John reflects, learning from Jordan’s resilience in overcoming adversity.

These influences shape John’s leadership style, emphasising community engagement, customer-centric innovation, and resilience, cultivating a team environment focused on collective success.


Under John’s leadership, BES Group is poised for continued success and expansion, leveraging technology and collaboration to meet the evolving needs of its clients while upholding the highest standards of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices.