Udbhav Ganjoo: A Pioneering HR Leader Driving Talent Development and Strategic Growth in Global Pharmaceuticals

Top 10 Global Impact Leaders Redefining HR, 2024

Udbhav Ganjoo, Head of HR – Global Operations, India, Emerging Asia, and Access Markets at Viatris, is a seasoned HR professional with over 35 years of experience in engineering, automobiles, services, and pharmaceuticals. He excels in talent management, diversity, and strategic HR initiatives.

Before Viatris, he held leadership roles at Ranbaxy and the Turner Morrison Group. Udbhav holds a Master’s in Business Administration and Human Resources Management, a Bachelor’s in Science (Chemistry Honours), and Laws. He is an active member of several professional bodies, including SHRM USA and CII’s National Committee on Leadership and HR.

Shaping Organizations and Society Through Human Resources

With over 35 years of experience, Udbhav has developed a notable career in human resources, primarily in the pharmaceutical sector. His work with diverse global teams underscores the vital role HR plays in enhancing organizational and societal impact.

Udbhav emphasizes that effective HR is about “getting the right talent, developing, engaging, and motivating” employees to perform at their best. This approach, he believes, is key to transforming good companies into great ones, driving his passion for the field.

The Evolution of Human Resources in a Modern Workplace

Over three decades, Udbhav’s roles have evolved in tandem with significant technological and societal shifts. He notes, “Technology has seen massive development from the rise of the internet, mobile technology, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning.” These advancements have been paralleled by rapid globalization and new work models such as hybrid and gig work, alongside a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability and inclusivity.

As society transforms, so does the workplace and the role of HR. Udbhav observes that HR has shifted from handling operational tasks to becoming a strategic business partner. “The evolution of HR is closely linked to broader societal changes,” he says. While earlier roles were dominated by manual HR activities, today’s HR functions are streamlined and digitized, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

With a multi-generational workforce now common, organizations face changing expectations. “There is more focus on talent management and talent development,” Udbhav explains, emphasizing the importance of building a sustainable talent pipeline and ensuring leadership at all levels can drive growth. He highlights a strong emphasis on employee experience, wellness, and a commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to foster an equitable and inclusive work environment.

A Commitment to Healthcare Excellence and Employee Wellbeing

Udbhav’s decision to join Viatris stems from his previous role as the Global Head of HR for Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited. The transition to Mylan, a company rapidly expanding its global footprint, was a logical progression. When Mylan merged with Upjohn in 2020 to form Viatris, Udbhav found the new organization’s mission in harmony with Mylan’s previous goals.

“At Mylan, our mission was to set new standards in healthcare, providing seven billion people access to high-quality medicine,” Udbhav reflects. Viatris continues this mission, aiming to empower people worldwide to live healthier lives at every stage. The alignment of Viatris’s mission with Mylan’s and the company’s focus on global impact and employee wellbeing were key factors in his decision to join.

At Viatris, Udbhav is involved in fostering sustainable access to medicine and enhancing global public health. The company prioritizes attracting, developing, and retaining talent through various initiatives. Notably, during the COVID-19 crisis in 2021, Viatris launched the Employee Wellbeing and Assistance Program under HEAL. This program provided holistic support — mental, emotional, physical, and financial — to employees and their families.

Udbhav highlights Viatris’s commitment to employee benefits and rewards, which align with the company’s strategy and performance philosophy. The rewards include core compensation, short and long-term incentives, and comprehensive benefits.

Additionally, Viatris emphasizes professional growth through customized development opportunities and encourages employees to embody the company’s values: Own It, Stay Agile, Be Real, and Take Pride. Udbhav finds fulfillment in his role, leveraging his experience in mergers, acquisitions, and change management to positively impact employees and drive business growth.

Strategic HR Initiatives Driving Success and Resilience

For Udbhav, effective HR initiatives are those aligned with an organization’s strategic goals. At Viatris, one key initiative involves focusing on identifying and developing talent for critical positions through comprehensive Leadership Development and Succession Planning. “We believe in developing talent through a culture of continuous learning and development,” Udbhav states. This approach includes leadership programs, coaching, mentoring, and job rotation, ensuring a robust talent pipeline to support business continuity and growth.

Udbhav emphasizes that a People First philosophy is crucial. During the COVID pandemic, Viatris’s status as an essential service provider warranted uninterrupted operations. However, many employees were affected by the virus. The HR team responded with empathy, providing support such as critical medicines, hospitalization, and ambulance services. “The HR team monitored the health status of employees daily and provided all needed support,” he explains. This humane approach not only addressed the crisis effectively but also built substantial goodwill within the organization.

Aligning HR Strategies with Business Goals in a Global Context

Aligning HR strategies with business objectives is essential, particularly in a global and diverse company like Viatris. Udbhav outlines a strategic approach to ensure HR initiatives support the company’s goals across various regions.

Firstly, understanding both short-term and long-term business goals is crucial. Udbhav stresses the importance of assessing the existing talent pipeline through a SWOT analysis to identify gaps in skills and capabilities. “This helps in getting clarity on skills we have versus what we need to meet our strategic business goals,” he explains. This analysis forms the foundation for HR strategies in talent acquisition, management, rewards, recognition, and retention.

For instance, talent acquisition efforts are directed toward attracting individuals who align with the company’s strategic objectives. Meanwhile, talent development focuses on closing skill gaps to ensure employees can meet these goals.

An underlying theme of the HR strategy is fostering an agile workforce capable of adapting to shifting business priorities and market conditions. From a cultural perspective, Udbhav highlights HR’s role in creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environment where employees are empowered to excel.

Building a Robust Succession Planning Process for Long-Term Success

Early in his career, Udbhav initiated a succession planning process that significantly impacted his organization. At a time when formal succession planning was not common, he tackled the challenge of an undefined talent pipeline, which often left critical roles unfilled internally.

Udbhav developed a systematic approach to identify key roles, potential successors, and their respective strengths and development areas. This process also assessed flight risks and retention drivers. “This enabled us to create a robust talent pipeline for all critical roles and senior leadership,” he notes. The initiative included customized development plans, mentorship, and coaching for high-potential successors.

The results were profound. The structured approach strengthened the leadership pipeline, enhanced employee retention and engagement, and created a culture where employees felt recognized and motivated. Regular talent reviews and clear career paths ensured top talent felt valued and committed to growing within the organization. This initiative not only retained key employees but also contributed to the overall stability and success of the organization.

Overcoming Talent Acquisition and Retention Challenges in a Competitive Market

Talent acquisition and retention present significant challenges, particularly in a market where high-performing talent is always in demand. Udbhav acknowledges the difficulty in attracting candidates who not only possess the required skill set but also fit well with the company culture. To address this, Viatris has focused on building a strong employer brand, making it an aspirational choice for candidates. The company utilizes a variety of talent-sourcing channels, both digital and offline, to reach a broad pool of candidates.

Retention efforts are equally critical. Viatris strives to be an employer of choice for both new hires and current employees. This includes offering development programs to support professional growth, providing competitive benefits and compensation, and defining clear career paths. Structured performance and succession planning processes are in place to promote internal talent, while engagement programs reward and recognize high performers.

Additionally, Udbhav highlights the importance of fostering a workplace culture that is equitable, inclusive, and open to diverse viewpoints. These efforts contribute to a positive work environment that attracts and retains top talent.

Shaping the Future of HR: Key Trends to Watch

The evolving landscape of business and technology is continually reshaping HR practices. Udbhav identifies several key trends poised to influence the future of HR:

Artificial Intelligence and Automation: The rise of AI and machine learning is transforming HR by automating routine tasks. This shift allows HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. AI is already enhancing candidate sourcing, screening, and initial interviews, while machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics forecast hiring needs and refine talent management strategies. “Data analytics in HR will allow for more informed and strategic decision-making,” Udbhav notes. As transactional roles become automated, the workforce must continuously upskill and reskill to remain relevant.

Hybrid Work Models: Although remote work and hybrid models existed before the pandemic, the COVID-19 era accelerated their adoption. In the post-pandemic landscape, employers may insist on physical presence to enhance team collaboration, while employees increasingly value the flexibility of remote work. This divergence in expectations could lead to conflicts. Udbhav emphasizes that HR will need to develop customized work models that balance employer needs with employee aspirations.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): There is an increasing emphasis on creating inclusive and equitable workplaces. HR must ensure that DEI principles are integrated into all practices, from hiring to talent management and retention. This includes establishing diverse hiring practices, implementing bias training, and creating employee resource groups. “By staying ahead of these trends, HR can continue to play a strategic role in driving organizational success and creating a positive and inclusive work environment,” Udbhav concludes.

Advancing to Leadership in HR: Essential Advice for Aspiring Professionals

For those aspiring to reach leadership positions in HR, a combination of skills, experiences, and a strategic mindset is crucial. Udbhav offers key advice for upcoming HR professionals on their journey to leadership:

Prioritize Continuous Learning: Stay abreast of the latest HR trends, technologies, and best practices. A broad skill set, informed by changes in business and technology, is essential for staying relevant.

Cultivate Business Acumen: Develop a solid understanding of how businesses operate, including areas such as finance, marketing, and operations. This knowledge helps in aligning HR strategies with business goals effectively.

Embrace Technology: Learn how to leverage HR tech tools and data analytics for data-driven decisions. Technological proficiency is increasingly vital in modern HR practices.

Seek Diverse HR Experience: Gain experience in various HR domains—such as talent acquisition, management, development, employee relations, compensation, benefits, wellness, and DEI. Engaging in projects that involve cross-departmental collaboration will enhance your understanding of how HR supports different business units.

Focus on Leadership Skills: Develop key leadership abilities, including communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and decision-making. Strong communication skills are crucial for articulating ideas and strategies to stakeholders. Seek mentors who can offer guidance and support.

By focusing on these areas, aspiring HR leaders can prepare themselves for advanced roles and contribute effectively to their organizations. Leadership in HR requires a balance of people-centric values, strategic thinking, and innovation, all while aligning HR initiatives with broader business goals.

The Future of HR: Evolving Roles and Strategies in Global Operations

The role of HR is poised for significant evolution over the next five to ten years, driven by global trends and technological advancements. Udbhav highlights several key areas where HR will transform:

Global Talent Management: As companies expand their global reach, HR will face the challenge of managing a diverse and dispersed workforce. Developing tailored strategies to attract, retain, and manage talent across various regions will be crucial. HR professionals will need to navigate cultural nuances, labor markets, and legal requirements with agility and customization.

Employee Experience and Wellbeing: The focus on employee experience and wellness will intensify. HR will need to enhance work environments by implementing comprehensive wellness programs that address physical, mental, and financial health. Additionally, providing flexible working arrangements while maintaining employee engagement will be essential.

Agile and Adaptive Practices: HR will adopt more agile methodologies to respond swiftly to shifting business conditions. This includes individualized policies, rapid process iterations, and continuous feedback mechanisms to ensure flexibility and responsiveness.

Data-Driven Decision Making: With advancements in AI and machine learning, HR will increasingly rely on predictive analytics to make informed decisions. Analyzing large volumes of data will enable HR professionals to refine hiring strategies, develop targeted retention programs, and address skill gaps effectively.

Strategic Partnering: HR will become a pivotal partner in shaping business strategies and driving organizational success. Its role will extend beyond traditional functions to include building organizational culture, managing change, and fostering innovation and resilience within the company.

As HR evolves, its ability to adapt to these trends will be critical in supporting global operations and enhancing overall business outcomes.

Personal Passion and Motivation in HR

Udbhav’s passion for human resources stems from a deep desire to make a meaningful impact on individuals and organizations. He finds immense satisfaction in creating a positive, inclusive, and productive work culture. Witnessing teams thrive and collaborate effectively is a key driver for him.

“Every day, I see the direct impact of my work on both employees and the organization,” Udbhav says. Whether through talent development programs, meaningful employee resources, or resolving complex issues, he values the role his efforts play in the success and well-being of others.

The dynamic nature of HR presents constant challenges, which Udbhav finds engaging. Aligning HR strategies with business goals and contributing to long-term strategic planning keeps him motivated. He emphasizes the importance of having strong leaders at all levels to drive future organizational growth.

Influencing and implementing meaningful change—such as advancing diversity and inclusion, mental health programs, and innovative talent management strategies—is a major source of motivation for Udbhav. The combination of strategic influence, personal interactions, and fostering a thriving workplace culture fuels his commitment to the role each day.

Influential Experiences Shaping an HR Approach

Throughout his career, Udbhav has encountered several experiences that have profoundly shaped his HR approach. He views HR as a fundamentally people-centric function, emphasizing both strategic business partnerships and a humane, people-focused approach.

One notable experience involved coaching and mentoring young professionals eager to grow but lacking confidence and experience. By guiding them through complex issues and helping develop their people management skills, Udbhav has witnessed their evolution into confident business and HR leaders. “Seeing their growth has been incredibly rewarding,” he notes. For him, leadership development and investing in others are not only enriching but essential for both individual and organizational growth.

Udbhav also highlights the impact of his work on leadership development at an organizational level. His efforts to streamline global talent processes, including skill-gap assessments, 360-degree feedback, and leadership programs from top business schools, have been fulfilling. While the results may not always be immediately visible, these initiatives have proven crucial for the long-term growth of both individuals and organizations.


Udbhav Ganjoo’s journey through the HR landscape reveals a deep commitment to fostering growth, both in individuals and organizations. His career has been marked by a blend of strategic foresight and a people-first approach, demonstrating that true leadership in HR transcends traditional boundaries. By investing in talent development, embracing technological advancements, and navigating global challenges, he has not only contributed to the success of his organizations but also left a lasting impact on the professionals he has mentored.

In an evolving world where HR must balance strategic objectives with a compassionate touch, Udbhav’s experiences underscore the profound influence of a thoughtful and inclusive HR strategy. His dedication to creating positive work environments and nurturing future leaders serves as a powerful reminder of the potential HR holds in shaping not just workplaces, but entire industries. As he continues to drive innovation and lead with empathy, Udbhav exemplifies the transformative power of HR in building resilient, forward-thinking organizations.