A Trailblazer’s Legacy: Cristian von Schulz Hausmann’s Mark on the Healthcare Industry

Top 10 Most Influential Business Leaders to Watch in 2024

Cristian von Schulz Hausmann’s journey from aspiring cardiologist to Managing Director and General Manager of Healthcare Mexico at Merck Group (the German company in science, technology, and healthcare, has over 355 years of history in the world and has a healthcare business division called EMD Serono in the United States), is a testament to his dedication and vision. Initially drawn to the intricacies of cardiology, particularly in coronary intensive care, his residency training honed his emergency management and team-building skills. He recalls, “I discovered my passion for constructing high-performing teams in critical situations, a passion I further refined as Chief Resident.”

His career took a new pivot while establishing a cardiology department from scratch at a new institution. He embraced this responsibility swiftly and created a Coronary Care Unit (CCU) and launching a successful cardiovascular surgery program within a year. It ignited his interest in healthcare administration and economics.

Pursuing a Master’s in Clinical Effectiveness and Health Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and Harvard University broadened his perspective. The transition to the pharmaceutical industry in 2000 introduced him to new challenges and opportunities in global innovation and outcomes, moving from emergency medicine to strategic management.

Metamorphosis of a Medical Mind: Cristian’s ‘Teal’ Leadership at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt.

Cristian led diverse teams, generating evidence and advancing medical education. His expertise in Health Economics and Public Health Policies fostered productive collaborations between public health management and the private sector. Notably, he pioneered groundbreaking agreements, such as research into a new cure for Chagas disease.

His decision to pursue an MBA at a leading business school solidified his mission to lead an organization with a transformative societal impact. As one of the “Top 10 Most Influential Business Leaders to Watch in 2024,” Cristian’s leadership paradigm has evolved from a conventional, hierarchical ‘red’ approach to a more fluid, trust-oriented ‘teal’ model.

This metamorphosis underscores his suitability for the role of Managing Director at Merck KGaA Group in Mexico. Recognizing the disparity between personal and corporate timelines, he understands that actual growth often arises when decision-makers prioritize potential over experience. This insight marked the commencement of his endeavor to nurture and export talent within the organization. His leadership philosophy centers on cultivating a highly engaged workforce, maintaining a clear organizational purpose, and making a substantial societal contribution to the healthcare sector.

Navigating Professional Shifts and Overcoming Global Challenges

As a seasoned healthcare executive, Cristian has encountered numerous professional challenges, including the daunting transition from medical director to general manager. Reflecting on this leap, he shares, “I believe it’s essential to approach such challenges with a learner’s mindset, a principle I would recommend to anyone facing new challenges in their professional life.”

Shortly after assuming his new role, Cristian confronted Argentina’s rapidly shifting macroeconomic and political landscape. The arrival of a new government brought changes in economic policies and healthcare strategies, exacerbated by rising inflation and a major currency devaluation just months into his tenure. Supported by a capable team, he successfully guided the organization through this turbulent period.

The pandemic presented a significant test. Cristian’s background as a physician, particularly in intensive care, provided him with crucial skills to handle this unprecedented crisis. Balancing employee safety with the need to ensure a steady supply of essential medicines was a formidable challenge. Nevertheless, he ensured access to critical medical supplies for employees and their families amidst the chaos.

Transitioning to Mexico introduced another set of issues. The post-pandemic world presented new hitches, like managing remotely, adjusting to cultural differences, and dealing with changes in the healthcare system. Cristian tackled all of these by building trust, sparking creativity, and developing talent. He secured access to the public health system for colorectal cancer medications, something that had been out of reach before.

Managing Market Diversity

When discussing the intricacies of the Southern Cone healthcare market, Cristian underlines the importance of approaching challenges with a nimble mind. According to him, Argentina, the region’s economic powerhouse, presents a unique blend of innovation and macroeconomic challenges. Its healthcare system, known for rapidly adopting new treatments, often faces hurdles due to fluctuating exchange rates and inflation. Though smaller, Neighboring Uruguay offers its own set of challenges, particularly in regulatory barriers and access to high-cost medications.

Paraguay, however, has emerged as a bright spot in the region. Its relatively stable economy has created opportunities for the introduction of specialized pharmaceuticals. Merck KGaA’s successful launch in Paraguay demonstrates the potential for growth in this market. Cristian stresses the importance of strategic collaborations to manage these markets’ diverse needs effectively. Collaborating with local partners with a deep understanding of the market and a shared commitment to innovative healthcare can help streamline market entry and generate mutual benefits.

Scientific Solutions, Business Impact: Cristian’s Framework for Advancing Public-Private Partnerships

Cristian believes that a strong foundation in both science and business is the elixir of success in leading a pharmaceutical company. This combination provides a deep understanding of the industry’s pulse, from market trends and patient needs to financial strategy and marketing. He feels that direct experience treating patients offers a unique viewpoint, allowing for the development of patient-centered solutions like risk-sharing agreements or disease-management partnerships.

Active listening is the linchpin of effective leadership in the medical field. Cristian nurtures a collaborative and supportive environment that drives positive outcomes by truly understanding the perspectives of everyone involved. This skill fosters empathy and trust, leading to superior patient care and team cohesion.

Cristian’s commitment to blending scientific insight with business acumen is further demonstrated through his role in bridging the gap between the scientific and corporate worlds. He emphasizes the importance of public-private partnerships for advancing innovation and societal impact, noting that “universities and government institutions often lack the expertise to advance research to clinical trials necessary for drug development, a gap well-recognized in Europe and the US but still developing in Latin America.”

One notable initiative involves supporting a group of indigenous women scientists in Hidalgo, Mexico. Despite societal pressures, these women pursued master’s degrees in science and benefited from a scholarship program launched by Cristian and local authorities, which included training in a cutting-edge German lab. Cristian praises their resilience and bilingualism, believing their work can drive societal change. Similarly, Cristian’s partnership with Argentina’s Ministry of Science and Technology has led to awards for outstanding basic research, with five editions to date. His collaboration with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) on World Diabetes Day detected undiagnosed diabetes cases and facilitated access to advanced colorectal cancer medication, significantly improving survival rates.

He proudly notes, “Since then, we have added over 2,000 cumulative years of life to this population, which is affected by the second most prevalent cancer.”

Commitment to Patient-Centered Progress at EMD Serono

Cristian explains that working at EMD Serono, a company with a 354-year history, means being part of a team dedicated to advancing human progress. “Our daily work undeniably impacts millions of patients who use our products, and we fully understand the responsibility that comes with it,” he conveys. “Our commitment to quality is paramount, and we pay special attention to this, particularly given that we have a production plant in Mexico that supplies 46 countries worldwide.”

He underscores that this objective is deeply entrenched within the company’s ethos and is considered at every juncture. “Every EMD Serono employee, whether working in a production plant or an administrative office, deeply understands their commitment to this vital mission,” the expert affirms.

He provides an example from their Mexico plant, the only facility in the world producing praziquantel, an antiparasitic drug. This antiparasitic drug is part of Merck’s KGaA, Darmstadt global donation program with the WHO for schistosomiasis eradication in sub-Saharan Africa.

Rene, the symbolic figure introduced by Cristian upon his arrival in Mexico, serves as a poignant reminder of the team’s ultimate purpose. This healthcare visionary explains that the silhouette displayed prominently in the Country Leadership Team’s boardroom is a constant presence during their regular meetings. When faced with complex decisions, the team often asks, “What would René say if we made this or that decision?” This practice helps them remain focused on their mission to keep the patient at the center of every decision.

Significant Project Impacting Healthcare at Merck KGaA Darmstad, Germany Group

The healthcare sector, a veritable maelstrom of challenges and opportunities, has seen Cristian steer with the finesse of a seasoned captain. When asked about a standout project he’s led at Merck Group, the veteran shares, “A significant project under my leadership at EMD Serono Mexico has been the development of innovative and impactful initiatives to raise awareness about this hypothyroidism.

He further explains that hypothyroidism is a severe and under-discussed health issue in Mexico, affecting an estimated 5 million people, with an additional 4.5 to 5 million potentially unaware of their condition. In partnership with the Mexican Society of Nutrition and Endocrinology, Cristian’s team developed an advanced chatbot for online risk assessments for hypothyroidism. Over 1.2 million tests have been conducted, identifying over 70,000 individuals at high risk. The database has helped over 25,000 people seek specialized care. This initiative has improved early detection and provided reliable information, positively impacting public health and patient outcomes.

But Cristian didn’t stop there. Recognizing that traditional medical communication often falls short due to its somber tone, he and his team took a more engaging route like “Canta Tiroides.” This innovative initiative uses music to spread awareness about hypothyroidism. The involvement of public figures has amplified this creative campaign, reaching over 38 million people through media coverage from 2022 to 2024. Cristian concludes, “I like to think that we have changed the lives of tens of thousands of people who have now received a diagnosis for a condition they had little knowledge of before our initiatives.”

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt Group’s Commitment to Sustainability Shapes Strategic Decisions

Referring to the Edelman Trust Barometer, Cristian observes that virtually 90% of people deem science and technology crucial for addressing global challenges such as climate change and health inequity. Central to Merck KGaA Group’s operations is a vision that blends innovation with sustainability. Recent accomplishments underscore this dedication: the company has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 17% compared to the previous year and, for the first time, sourced over 50% of its global electricity from renewable sources.

Additionally, the “Clean Energy” project in Mexico has resulted in a 45% reduction in emissions for 2023. Merck KGaA Group has signed virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs) to ensure that by 2025, 100% of their electricity in Europe, 90% in North America, and 70% globally will come from renewable sources. In Mexico, over 80% of the vehicle fleet is now hybrid or electric, with plans to achieve 100% soon. The company has reached a record high of 39% of women in leadership roles globally. It ranks among the top five pharmaceutical companies for improving access to medicines in low- and middle-income countries.

Trends Shaping the Future of Healthcare and Merck KGaA Group’s Response

At the nexus of EMD Serono’s mission lies a steadfast commitment to prioritizing patients at the epicenter of its research and development endeavors. This commitment, as Cristian underscores, is not a mere platitude but a genuine impetus to deliver innovative health solutions with a global reach. EMD Serono research is centered on developing treatments for afflictions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and infertility.

On that note, Cristian underscores a phrase that truly represents Merckians: “Wherever there is a medical need, our experienced research and development team aims to meet it.” He pinpoints artificial intelligence (AI) and bioelectronics as two transformative technologies reshaping the healthcare industry. AI and machine learning are being deployed in clinical settings for early disease detection, patient diagnosis, and expedited drug development. Merck KGaA’s AIDDISON™ software epitomizes this, integrating AI to accelerate drug discovery by evaluating billions of compounds and suggesting optimal synthesis methodologies. This innovative platform bridges the chasm between virtual drug design and real-world manufacturing.

Cristian also highlights EMD Serono’s strides in bioelectronics, a field merging biology and technology to monitor and influence electrical signals within the body. These bioelectronic devices offer potential for treating conditions such as multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases.

EMD Serono’s ongoing innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration position the company to drive advancements that enhance patients’ lives and transform healthcare.

Balancing Work and Life: Cristian’s Approach to Integration

Recognizing the difficulties of maintaining such a balance, he stresses the importance of both leadership backing and company culture in achieving it. Cristian posits that traditional work paradigms are no longer efficacious and that newer generations seek more malleable work environments.

He advocates respecting employees’ time off, fostering flexible work schedules, and capitalizing on the advantages of remote work. Setup like work-from-home (WFH) will ultimately make them more productive and increase their commitment to the organization.

Cristian believes effective organization and decision-making get easier with time, despite the difficulties of maintaining this delicate balance. As a Managing Director, there is always plenty to do, yet recharging and staying effective is essential. He says this strategy offers a clear and powerful message to his staff, pushing them to achieve organizational and personal goals concurrently.

A Year of Adaptation and Growth: Aspirations for 2025

In professional endeavors, He is resolute in fortifying Merck KGaA Group’s recent strides in Obesity, Metabolism, and Oncology. Amidst the significant geopolitical changes in the Americas and the concomitant shifts in healthcare policies, Cristian intends to adapt with alacrity, capitalizing on novel partnerships to harmonize with the evolving public health objectives. His overarching aim is to continue elevating the quality of life through innovative healthcare solutions while expanding the primary care sector.

In tandem, he is eager to deepen his coaching skills, reflecting his dedication to personal growth and leadership development. On the personal front, he anticipates enriching his family life by embracing diverse cultures and traditions. He aspires to achieve a more equitable balance between work and leisure by optimizing his time management. Indulging in movies, catching up on books, exploring the outdoors, and discovering new destinations are key personal goals he plans to prioritize, ensuring a well-rounded and fulfilling year ahead.

Advice for Emerging Healthcare Leaders

In this competitive era, leaders must move beyond traditional management roles to become empathetic catalysts. He underscores this shift, stating, “The new successful leader leads closely with their team, spending time with them to understand their motivations and expectations, building trust with and among them, being empathetic and inspiring.”

Cristian believes that this approach helps leaders navigate the complexities of modern healthcare more effectively. He also emphasizes the importance of aligning business goals with societal well-being, adding, “I would advise emerging leaders to dedicate their time to listening—to their team, their customers, society, and regulators—so they can find the right intersection to address unmet market needs.”

He advocates prioritizing sustainability, social responsibility, and patient-centricity, suggesting that leaders can drive transformative change and build a healthier future by forming partnerships with the public and private sectors.